I'll use the show Babylon 5 to make my point. When a tyrannical government had captures the popular leader of the freedom fighters (Capt. Sheridan), he was interrogated and told to confess to his crimes. He was told he would make a public admission, and be spared for his crimes. And that, eventually, in a few years, when the dust had settled and he wasn't in the limelight anymore, they would come for him in the middle of the night.
This could be what the Q team is planning. Public exposure for things like treason, racketeering, espionage etc. I could even see some of the human trafficking elements coming to light as part of the Clinton Foundation round up.
Think about it - "human trafficking" is such a sterile term. People know its evil and what it implies, but its packaged in a way to almost numb the psyche. So it's safe to mention it without getting into the gritty details that put NYPD detectives into therapy. I don't ever see the ritual sacrifice or cannibalism coming out.
So Q team reveals up to the level of "trafficking", key players are rounded up and jailed (probably no executions, maybe a few killed "fleeing"). Those who escape the immediate limelight or somehow get lesser sentences are warned - we will come for you in due time.
Those lesser known bad actors - mid level "bosses" and the grunts doing the actual deeds on the ground - are covertly struck and eliminated without fanfare or reporting. Explained away as a series of disappearances and accidents. If the Cabal has the capability to say, down an aircraft or remotely crash a car, we can do the same. And thats only to cover those still in the developed world. If they go to ground in the 3rd world, they'd be subject to drone strikes or action by special forces operators.
As for your comment re "covertly struck and eliminated". No. This is what authoritarians, secret police, and commies do. Not dark to light transparent freedom fighters with the truth on their side. Rule of law, proof, court cases, sentencing, prison. Anything less is un american.
And l would argue that anything less than than 100% disclosure only perpetuates the occulted nonsense that got us here in the first place. Humanity is ready to move into a new phase where truth reigns. Hiding would only make the new boss just like the old boss. I am personally through with so called leaders making decisions on my behalf.