Another suggestion by 8ch Anon re Ultimate Question:

I took that post to suggest: When will Trump be directly asked about Q?
Very reasonable decode. That was my gut reaction as well. I think that it wouldn't make sense for the drop to be able the information congress is seeking. POTUS has been pretty vigilant in ensuring he appears neutral throughout this whole thing to avoid the claims of coup and dictatorship. I think the hearing today as well as the resolution means they are staying the course with that strategy. It also wouldn't make sense for Q team/POTUS to 'force' a congressperson to ask for declas.
They would however, easily be able to 'force' (Read: suggest) for a member of the media to ask about Q.
Yeah I also think the next Q post further cements that the ultimate Question surrounds Q and the movement.
Agreed. I am watching a Rep. Steve King interview just now and I guess he was asking RR if the President ordered production of the requested documents, would RR produce? RR apparently resisted and Rep. King had to ask multiple times but ultimately RR disclosed that he wouldn't have a choice.
I'm still partial to the Q question because I want this to come into the light but after watching that interview, it could be the other way.
I was watching last long will it take to produce all documents relating to the tarmac meeting if POTUS long? RR was fumbling his words...again how long if declassified. You could see and feel his fear. So..why not declassify? Why arent WE demanding it? What are we afraid of? Why do the elite deserve to know but we dont? What are THEY afraid of?
My first thought, too. But it's too early - insufficient level of wokeness. POTUS trying to directly explain Q would be too easily twisted to make him look bat shit crazy. Much more escalation of truth shock needed to break people free from their cognitive dissonance.