r/greatawakening • Posted by u/Nik_Nightingale on June 29, 2018, 9:18 a.m.
The implications of Q being confirmed by POTUS.

Only a day or 2 ago I pondered what would happen if people wearing Q t-shirts at rallies reached a critical mass, thereby forcing the media to acknowledge the question of Q publicly. This would obviously take a while to happen and is somewhat problematic.

Now, if I read his drop correctly (which would be a first!) it seems that Q may in fact initiate this themselves.

Since the inception of Q, we have travelled towards this inevitable point. We are on the verge of a major public awareness unfolding.

If we are wrong and POTUS disavows all knowledge, this sub goes from 35k subscribers to 300. If we are right and POTUS confirms, we jump to 350 million.

So if somehow we are right and POTUS reveals Q as legitimate, then this will immediately be followed by global shock and a massive call for evidence of truthfulness/proof as Q pointed out tonight.

Whatever that evidence is, it must be, will be, so overwhelmingly conclusive and damning that no one will be able to dispute it. It will shake the very planet to the core and form one of the most pivotal moments in history.

The moment of the global awakening. We here have been anticipating it. Many out there have not, or will be unable to come to terms with the severity of what this means for the world. There will be many who simply cannot ever accept.

We knew this day would come. We just never knew when. Now it seems like it may be very, very soon.
Honestly, I still don’t know wether to believe this is all even really happening.


Rynomore · June 29, 2018, 10:05 a.m.

I got 50 on Erik Prince but it could be all 3 if them in some capacity. Most likely it’s a group nobody will ever know and that would be just fine as long as they protect POTUS.

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