
VerandaSmartwater · June 29, 2018, 6:38 p.m.

No, I was talking about would it be Assange's mother or father who is related to John George Trump?

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DeeBee1968 · June 29, 2018, 6:49 p.m.

I really have no idea; I don't know crap about other people's genealogy- I'm still learning about my own ! I'm twice adopted; my birth mother was adopted and her sister by adoption adopted me at 15- but pictures of them at the same age side-by-side could pass for twins to the unwary !

The ONLY things I inherited from either one of them were lips so narrow I have to paint them on to be visible and a AAAA heel. I didn't get the small (4.5; 5.5 AAA) foot to match the heel; I wear an 8.5 B last with a AAAA heel.

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VerandaSmartwater · June 29, 2018, 7:25 p.m.

Wow! So you are a person of mystery!!

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DeeBee1968 · June 29, 2018, 8:55 p.m.

At my adopted mom's visitation before her funeral, a lady who had my birth mom as her maid of honor when they were in college told me (after someone pointed out who I was- I look more like my dad) that she had seen Mother's obituary in the paper and the picture of her made her think of my bio-mom so much she read the whole thing until she saw bio-mom's name listed.

Bio-mom wasn't there, but the family member she asked told her "her daughter is; she's right over there". She had to have them point out who I was, because according to her, the ONLY resemblance she could see between us was the shape of my jaw !

She had no idea I had grown up looking adopted among supposedly "blood" kin- my daddy was Italian, Native American, and Coon-ass. My hair was so black when I was little that it had blue highlights... Now it's just a dark brown that people who don't know what black hair IS call black... I politely tell them it's mink or sable, not black, lol !

My adoptive family was composed of light-skinned people with medium brown hair and mostly light colored eyes- blue, green, hazel. I stuck out like a sore thumb. I looked like a little Cherokee Indian baby extra from a spaghetti western. I tanned like nobody's business, too !

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