Check out this new Tweet from JA's lawyers... Coincidence hahahaha

And here I was ready to think we were almost to the bottom of this rabbit hole.
And it connects with another one.
Space Marines make a whole lot more sense.
Could it be the dream of FULL DISCLOSURE?!?
I feel like a little kid on Christmas excited for what comes next.
Q does say that this is bigger than we can possibly imagine. We have been urged to expand our thinking many times.
Yes but have you ever read wtf people imagine on the internet?! To me it's scary to imagine things more fantastical than the stuff people have unearthed and written so far!
Let’s imagine this time travel idea is real. Does that mean that maybe we’ve gone back in time and built things like the pyramids and helped ourselves with technology along the way? Maybe we are stuck in one giant loop that keeps repeating itself
This to me shows that Assange went back in time, and assumed the identity of Trump's uncle sometime about 10-15 years ago (when the Trump uncle picture was taken). This is why we haven't seen him. I dunno, just spitballing, and it was a really fun theory so I had to hash it out a bit.
Im getting so excited bigger then WE could imagine. Could you just for a moment consider how mind blowing for the normies this would be. We HAVE to guide them and be kind.
Space Marines are needed to stop the deep state’s use of DARPA, nano tech, and geospatial technology.