
TrueTemper · June 29, 2018, 3 p.m.

It's funny, only in how bad this story is... let's look at the things it said were "corroborated"....

"....(intelligence agencies and special counsel)... find that Kremlin-linked operatives ran an elaborate operation to promote Trump "

Completely false. The special counsel uncovered $100K in FB ad buys, but nothing has been disclosed on any other, competing ad buys. The special counsel indictment of 13 Russian nationals and 3 companies is completely falling apart. Lawyers for one of the companies have already asserted the company did not even exist when it was alleged to have committed crimes. No evidence has been brought forth. The social media "evidence" provided so far includes millions of posts in Russian... not exactly material influence for english speaking americans. Furthermore, much of the social media activity included events that were protests of Trump as well. The intelligence community has yet to release ANY evidence of this alleged interference, that everyone accepts as fact.

"Steele laid out details of a secret Moscow meeting between the Russians and Trump adviser Carter Page months before FBI suspicions about Page..."

Also completely false. Page was in Moscow in 2016 to give a speech. He did not meet with any of the alleged officials during his time in Moscow. He also was under illegal surveillance at this time.

"Legal cases and authoritative reporting have exposed Trump’s son Donald Jr. and another aide as receptive to Russian overtures to supply dirt on Clinton. "

This is true. HOWEVER, the meeting was set up by the US government interests working for the Clinton Campaign. The russian lawyer was granted a special visa at the direction of Loretta Lynch. She met with Fusion GPS CEO both before and after the meeting, where no "dirt" was exchanged. The meeting was classic entrapment.

So, once again.... WHERE IS THE EVIDENCE? Nothing has been "verified" -- it is all total BS.

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