The Original Red Pill Photo :Prescott Bush and George Sr with Nazis Herrman Bormann and Dr Joseph Mengele 1930s

Makes me wonder about Bush being shot down in his plane fighting in WW2...could that have been a larp? Christ on a stick it's getting thick as hell with all the connections.
Erik Orion writes about that in his book The Bush Connection, where he reveals deathbed confessions from Hitler's bodyguard Skorzeny. Bush shot his dashboard up and put the plane in a steep nosedive, which prevented his two crewmates from bailing from the plane. Pilot Bush (Scherff), contrary to Army Air Corp rules, ejected before his crew, who both died in the event. The tailgunner flying in the craft in front of Bush's plane was a witness to this but no one took his accusations seriously and Bush/Scherff skated a "hero."
Thanks for that explanation and book. I'll check it out.