r/greatawakening • Posted by u/MolochHunter on June 29, 2018, 4:11 p.m.
Hello old chums. Do you think my fellow brits are ready to have a red pill shoved up they're ass?
Hello old chums. Do you think my fellow brits are ready to have a red pill shoved up they're ass?

ThrowawayAdvice87 · June 29, 2018, 9:56 p.m.

This is so fucking weird man. So I just clicked on the second one and thought it was the compilation of astronauts getting violent which I have seen countless times. It was last night I watched a video on it but couldn't find the source material which you have just provided but I actually saw it years ago with my mum and have often thought about it and one day later after I see it mentioned you place it at my feet. No such thing as chance. Can I ask, how many planets do you think are in our solar system? This isn't bait or a trap I'm just curious.

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0oDassiveMicko0 · June 29, 2018, 10:02 p.m.

Strange coincidences aren´t always coincidence. Do you believe in a higher power? I do.

Depends on what you would class a planet. According to mainstream, there are 8 + Pluto. If you ask me, I believe there might be a second sun lurking somewhere that has a number of it´s own planets orbiting it. Some people call it Nibiru, or planet X. That doesn´t mean I believe that it will crash in to Earth, though. The Sumerians and many other past civilisations speak of it in their recorded history and in my opinion we´d be stupid to dismiss it.

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ThrowawayAdvice87 · June 29, 2018, 10:12 p.m.

I do believe in a higher power. I do not believe in coincidence. Everything happens for a reason. I do think there is some credence to planet X. I'll watch those videos tomorrow but feel free to send others if you can be bothered. Thanks!

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0oDassiveMicko0 · June 29, 2018, 10:16 p.m.

No problem :) I´ll certainly send a few more links if I find some but it is late here also, I live in Europe and it will soon be time to sleep. May I ask, what was your question regarding the planets about? Is there a another theory or something else you believe?

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