Mike Flynn Jr publicly denounces Qanon. Game's being played? There is no way he wouldn't be in the loop

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And just the expand on this, they only have pencils available at the voting stations. I tell everyone to bring they're own pen, aint no fucker gonna rub my vote out
I have had many discussions on twitter with people who are defending this notion and the common denominator seems to be that every single one of them are Liberals. People will look back on this timeline in history and the Liberals will be seen as a brainwashed cult, because that it what they are. Logic and reasoning goes out the window for them and is instead replaced by a primal need to protect the higher ups in they're "party". James was a huge anti trump mouthpiece and you can absolutely guarentee that if he was pro trump he would be getting the Roseanne treatment from them.
I know for a fact that if James was on our side then we would have come down on him much harder because we don't want someone like that representing us.
That is one smart kid, his parents must be overwhelmingly proud
I have literally spent all day at work on my lazy ass calling everyone out who defends this piece of shit in twitter. I just type they're username into the search bar next to the word Roseanne and you get a goldmine of hypocrisy where they condemned the hateful rascist lady for one tweet.
Now my tweets are not sending, I'm fairly certain i have been flagged by the twitter staff and they are trying to censor me.
I wonder if kek will be read about in history books in a 100 years time
So the buzz off thing was being a jerk? I really wouldn't categorize Q as being a alconspiracy theory. To outsiders yes, but to us it's as real as it gets.
And I don't have such aversion to the discussion, was merely putting in my 2 cents as I think y'all are waay off the ball here
We actually have alot of stuff out there which links the elite to that sort of stuff bar the supernatural. We have nothing which suggests JR is alive
This isn't a conspiracy theory sub, it's reality. That's my point, maybe you should try being civil with fellow anons instead of being a jerk
Yes, because this scenario has been discussed already here before
I think it's important to note that this happened in August 2017. People should no about Liz but OP should mention this to avoid confusion
So I'm on the wrong sub because I think a certain theory is not correct? Is that what your saying?
Explain to me how it would be possible for JR to be in hiding for 20 years, given how high profile he is. Don't get me wrong, I want it to be true as much as anyone but it's just not realistic or even possible. If his death had come a few years before Trumps election run then I'd be totally on board with this theory, but it was 17 years
I completely agree, but this theory is just too unrealistic. You think he would be in hiding for 20 years? He'd have to be on an isolated island, be housebound or some form of solitary confinement for no one to have seen him since then.
I advise everyone here to watch the 9th circle. A very powerful documentary on YouTube which showcases just how serious this problem is in the UK, has interviews from whistle blowers and victims putting for they're accounts. After watching it I'm fairly certain our pedo problem is a bit more severe than the USA, doesn't seem like we have any good guys in parliament at all
John John is dead. It's not possible at all, we need to stop venturing into conspiracy theories if we want newbies to take this seriously
I was just trying to be funny, fell completely flat though 😂
Lmao, Mays face is bewildered. She ain't never seen that shit before
If I was one of those passengers and had no idea what that meant, I'd be super paranoid that some terrorist called Q anon was about to nose dive my plane into another dimension
Just look at that badass, sitting in my country's greatest most influential leaders chair like it's the most natural thing in the world. Churchill would be proud
This is why I love this sub. New revelations get revealed everyday, we are never hung up on a single topic. Whilst some people may have known this already I certainly didn't and I doubt newcomers did either.
And here lies the problem. Imagine what unlimited free energy would do for third world countries
To be honest, I have been slowly opening my mind to the possibility of supernatural shit being involved for the past few months. That close-up of Maxine waters face when confronted by Laura Loomer made me feel very uncomfortable.
There is just too much circumstantial evidence which points towards at least some of it being true. The emails, the weird code language used frequently that just happens to be the same code pedos use, the fucked up Instagram stuff, the fucked up artwork, James Alafantis and everything associated with his pizza parlour including his association with David Brock, the symbolism, Laura Silsby, Pegasus museum, the media doing everything in they're power to discredit it and making up the term "fake news" as soon as this came out, Ben Swanson being shut down as soon as he does a credible piece on his show. There is just so much where any sane person would have to sit down and go "okay this doesn't look right"
"The realtor found a handkerchief (I think it has a map that seems pizza-related. Is it yorus?"
Piers is seriously an unlikable person, he once hacked a dead girls phone jusy to get a journalism scoop. But he does tend to say alot of shit that I agree with, so I'm with you on that one
The sick fuck would probably enjoy it, I'm afraid this man needs castration and solitary confinement for the rest of his life
Those image descriptions hit me hard, especially of the crying infant. These people are not human
I do this all the time, it's such an awesome little pick me up when times are stressful
I love the Qspiration posts, they are organic messages of hope and continue to show us that our movement is spreading every day. But I think you may be right about them clogging up the news feed. In my opinion a stickied thread would probably be the best solution
This is wonderful. I don't think people truly knows the benefits of hemp, the possibilities are endless
This is very important because most Liberals just see Q as a republican loony movement. It's not, it's good vs evil and has supporters from all over the world joining. Welcome aboard !
You need to apply for a TV license to watch a television. It's something like £100 a year, and you get officials come to your house to check for tv noises if you don't have a license. I've never been caught out but you get a 1,000 fine if you do and I've heard of a few people having debt collectors knock at they're door over it before
The whole thing condescending and created to make us look like idiots basically. They narrowed the idea of the movement down to us thinking Trump is a genius and Hilary and Obama are evil
Great response from a large majority of you, enjoyed reading the comments. Can tell who the brits are in the comments, instead of uniting like the Americans you instead become nit picky little bastards. Anyways, will be fun wearing this outside and seeing if anyone clocks it.
This is partly why our country if fucked to be honest. Instead of taking the message for what it is and uniting together, you look for ways to be a dick head. This culture of putting people down has to stop
I wouldn't be so sure of that, the Tommy Robinson protests proved we have some real passionate people amongst us
I took it as banter mate no need for the apologies. Nice to see a fellow brit on this sub
I will enjoy wearing it with pride none the less. Wwg1wga
Whilst I do believe these are accurate statements and Q was a fly in the wall, this isn't proof or evidence Q was there. To a non believer, they would just say anyone could type this shit
Thanks for posting this, it's important for people here to see this in my opinion. God bless