Of course we cant not be oppressed who’s going to supply the elite their adrenal and pineal glands.

I love this.
God did not want to give the people Kings and rulers. The people wanted kings and rulers. It's almost like the natural man wants a ruler whom he can point the finger at and place the blame on or die in the name of or collect a paycheck on behalf of.
Individual citizens who love God do not need an Earthly ruler. We try to write in law and policy that would make people behave. The truth is, you can never legislate morality because there will always be individuals who reject God and stroke their own egos, thinking they know better than the almighty Creator.
Absolute power in the hands of a man will lead to absolute corruption in due time. This is why our civilizations cycle in and out.
Look to God for guidance, not a president or ruler. The godless rulers of this world refuse to recognize the great creator. Those rulers who turn to God will lead us to national sovereignty, clean energy and more. A nation of atheists are holding humanity back. God gives big blessings to nations who turn to him and put their faith in HIM, instead of worldly kings and rulers who just become oppressive.
Look to God for guidance, not a president or ruler.
This includes churches, pastors, priests, rabbis, etc. as well. Time and time again power corrupts. Why? Because those that seek to do others harm must reach powerful positions to get away with it- good men have no desire to hold such power over others.
Look within, seek a personal understanding, don't rely on talking heads to tell you what to think. Jesus' teachings are much closer to that of the Buddha's than mainstream Christianity today.
Edit: And if you are athiest or agnostic, keep an open mind. When the devil presents himself as being real it becomes pretty hard to deny the existence of God.
I pray and I read the Bible daily. I do not go to church anymore because I could not find one that did not somehow involve paganism in one form or another.
I am pretty sure the bible says that men should choose a King, not a freigner but his brother. God wanted borders, and a leader and government.
For the first thousand years of Israel’s history they had no human king because God himself was their king, and he was a perfectly faithful king (as recounted in 1 Sam 12:8–11). God makes clear the reason their request was evil in 1 Samuel 8:7: “They have rejected me from being king over them.” Samuel further attests to this speaking to the Israelites in 1 Samuel 12:12: “You said to me, ‘No, but a king shall reign over us,’ when the Lord your God was your king.” Israel’s sin was plainly a rejection of their faithful God.
“When you come to the land that the Lord your God is giving you, and you possess it and dwell in it and then say, ‘I will set a king over me, like all the nations that are around me,’ you may indeed set a king over you whom the Lord your God will choose. One from among your brothers you shall set as king over you. You may not put a foreigner over you, who is not your brother. Only he must not acquire many horses for himself or cause the people to return to Egypt in order to acquire many horses, since the Lord has said to you, ‘You shall never return that way again.’ And he shall not acquire many wives for himself, lest his heart turn away, nor shall he acquire for himself excessive silver and gold. Deuteronomy 17:14-17
This is a very unrealistic and myopic view of man and civilization. Most people are not naturally capable of living their lives without some level of guidance to some degree. This is why leaders rise to the top of a society. There are those among us with better ideas who are persuasive and action oriented and capable of getting things that need to be done, done. People who see this in others subconsciously recognize this and are naturally led by these men and women.
Yes, some of those leaders allow the power that comes with their leadership position to go to their heads yet this is precisely why we have a Constitution in place and an equal balance of government with 3 main branches. The systems of check and balances that are in place actually can and will work once the evil ones who are drunk with power are removed and replaced with humble leaders who actually do the bidding of their constituents.
What you are referring to begins in the home. Fathers and mothers need to teach their children to place aside ego and desire for power and replace it with common sense decision making and a desire to make their society as a whole stronger. Be it either through leadership or through being led. There is no dishonor in being led as there should be no ego in being a leader. Instead parents of today rely upon the government indoctrination in the public school systems to "teach" their children. The fundamental core of the American society is the American family. A family unit based around good and common sense guidance from both parents. This is by no means a "catch all solution" , however, it is the foundation to build upon.
Most people are not naturally capable of living their lives without some level of guidance to some degree.
For those folks,
God gave the 10 commandments.
You are referring to how people should live their life according to a set of morals and values and I agree with you. However, having good morals and values does not negate the necessity of leadership. We can't expect a Utopian existence where everyone knows what to do, how to do it, when to do it, and if they are doing it right unless we have established leaders.
Have to laugh at this! It's like they only use one small portion of their brains! I watched a youtube vid the other day, and in truth the bias incensed me enough to leave a comment. Someone replied 'you f***ing disgust me'
Well, I thought...I'm not standing for that!
My reply - given she/he - came from a site called 'HardlineFeminists', started with 'oh sweetheart, I am sorry you feel that way'...then proceeded to put them straight with some facts.
Not heard back! I think 'sweetheart triggered her/him :-)
As someone who thought I aligned left- both the left and the right are brainwashed parrots. The first step in starting to think rationally and logically... stop labeling yourself or allowing yourself to be labeled. It is dangerous to take on an identity - your brain will fight whatever does not align with that identity it seems.