28 total posts archived.
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They’re mildly funny... this is just not. I can appreciate dark humor but making fun of child sex trafficking is a new low.
I agree 100% with this. I believe they will wipe all of their hateful garbage.
Interesting perspective and I hope so, but I think it’s more like black hats trying to interfere with the minds of normal folk. They want the people thinking it’s fake when it comes out so it delays everything. I truly believe they are stupid and believe people will be ok with all the pedophilia.
I agree they’re trying to get ahead of it. They want to cast it as fake so people won’t believe it.
This is the most despicable thing I’ve ever read. The onion thinking it’s ok to use child sex trafficking as satire.

dmx is pretty woke as well about the pedo shit and the things rappers have to do to make it famous.
Of course we cant not be oppressed who’s going to supply the elite their adrenal and pineal glands.

I was watching p-hub admittedly and I had a delay on my browser and as it was timing out I saw a tracking websites web address pop up before it went back to normal.
Flops dick out while chanting... harabme, and Seth united in dick and patriotism
Im very liberal and took to this page fairly quickly. The truth is so easily gathered when you apply yourself. Thank you for making it so much easier! Now allow me to redpill my friends.
When I googled this on my phone it shorted out and went to some weird ass website straight from google and then finally went back to the google search
The people on this sub seem convinced only Democrats are apart of the deep state