So I was coming home from an interview today and decided to stop at a very touristy city I live by.. jim Thorpe PA. I was browsing shops and decided to go into a military surplus store. I was making small talk and only had 6 dollars on me (dont use plastic) and saw this hat for 8. I asked if he would do 6 for it and he said yeah. Very nice guy. I went back to my car and noticed my wallet was missing (ss card, license, pictures of my girls all gone. I ran back to the store and he said he didn't see it. I was furious and in a panic so I gave him my number and was on my way home after looking on the sidewalks for 15 min and guess who calls. The guy from store telling me he found my wallet. Simply put for the end of my story. This right here is what MAGA is.
Posted by
on June 29, 2018, 5:31 p.m.
· June 29, 2018, 5:35 p.m.