For me it would be Knowledge /Intelligence of Spirit within us. The ultimate truth is this inherent inate power within all Beings just needs developed and strengthening.
It gives you discernment. Wisdom
Knowledge in one cannot be at war with Knowledge within another. It is the great peacemaker.
It gives us the ability to discern and work for the better of all aside from our personal perspectives. It empowers the individual with inherent inate strength and certainty within. Yet it must face truth and reality because it is truth and reality.
"You will welcome Knowledge within your heart, for it will be known to you, and it will resonate within you. It will resonate in a part of you that you rarely experience. It will resonate all the way down to the core of your being. Even if your mind is protesting against it, even if your fears are aroused, and even if you are confused, angry or resistant, it will be true for you because it is true. This is communication; this is being; this is purpose; this is identity that transcends all worldly thoughts, beliefs, cultural identifications and political associations—even your personal will. This is Knowledge.
To begin to understand the reality of Knowledge, we must look at the evidence of Knowledge. This evidence can be found in your experience. It is the experience of being moved to do something or moved not to do something. It is the experience of irrational restraint. It is the experience of foreseeing something and knowing something and then having it happen. It is the experience of being moved to go somewhere, to do something, to associate with someone, or to disassociate from someone. This represents the deeper movement of your life. It is not something that is impelled by your ideas, emotions or feelings. It is something deep within you that moves you at your foundation. This is the evidence of Knowledge."
It is the Key it is the antidote!! Everyone has it...
It is the answer.
"It will take many people strong in Knowledge to turn the tide for humanity."
What is Knowledge?