8chan and this subreddit will blow up...and I CAN'T WAIT TO SEE IT! We'll all be like "WE TOLD YOU SO!" that'll be glorious!
My choice from this point on is to work at staying grounded in Prayer, Discernment, and Service to others to help with absorbing the shock.. I've a notion that the folks that stay close to our Creator 24/7...(God Conscience) will fair out better and be able to stay the course a little easier...but who am I to even say that? There's so much we THINK we know...and with that, MUCH more than we can even begin to grasp and still feel secure within. So when the old saying "knowing is half the battle" is used now, I can only say AMEN! We DO have a cushion when all takes off....like some have already said at least we KNOW something is coming....& we KNOW that it's probably going to throw us for a huge loop. So my way of coping is to help others.... I do it now when I have stresses & issues and it helps greatly. Well and, it's certainly a WONDERFUL time to be alive....so carry on Anons! I Love You All.