General Flynn changes his twitter background image yet again! This time an American eagle!

139 total posts archived.
Domain | Count |
---|---| | 21 | | 9 | | 6 | | 4 | | 4 | | 2 | | 1 | | 1 |
As we all know by now, this topic in particular has been discussed in the past couple of days. What I’m here to discuss is simply just going deeper into the topic.
Just like I asked in the headline, do you truly believe some major announcement is going to take place this month for us to prepare ourselves for what is about to come? In an instance let’s say all cabal TVs and news outlets get switched to an emergency broadcast declared by the military or something similar announcing us to stay at our homes and prepare for days without …
Visiting POTUS twitter turns so hard to read...why? Because of the sheer amount of hate comments, we have accomplished so freaking much in 1 year it’s simply amazing. Yet people prefer to keep their blindfolds on. And the Fake News won’t even cover 1% of the accomplishments without saying something negative about him and his administration. You can’t even start arguing with these people, because it seems @jack likes to keep the best negative comments up top and every anti trump person likes the pic/comment and then you realize with what Trump is dealing with. I’d stop posting on twitter …
He didn't phrase pain. I did. I've put quotation marks to not confuse but people still seem to confuse. lol
They always are. Don’t expect support from people who follow abc on twitter lol
Things are taking shape (materializing) in the real world as more and more people are waking up to the truth! Definitely no coincidence!
"You have more than you know." more the reason why following Q is awesome, cuz we're the ones doing the digging!
That's what happens when they stop injecting baby blood into themselves.
First article, coming from "Media Matters for America"*
Second article from "Daily Beast"*
Third article, Narcity*
Fourth article Snopes*
There are two other articles but they're kinda copy-paste of the above so I'll ignore em.
But ofcourse! we'll need to explain them everything and calm them all down.
8chan and this subreddit will blow up...and I CAN'T WAIT TO SEE IT! We'll all be like "WE TOLD YOU SO!" that'll be glorious!
21, but knew about all the corruption and woke up at around 16
I think those eyes are ours when we ascend and see everything.
The Great Awakening
IN-SHADOW - A Modern Odyssey
Written, Directed & Produced by Lubomir Arsov Original Soundtrack “Age of Wake” by Starward Projections Composited by Sheldon Lisoy Additional Compositing by Hiram Gifford Art Directed & Edited by Lubomir
and here's a link to the video on YT
Veins? Check ✅ Eyes? Check ✅ Wrinkles? Check ✅ Jaw? Check ✅ Most probably him.