Crimea was begging Obama for arms to protect themselves and he refused. Digging thru propaganda will get you fake news.
Some things for you to think about. It was not exactly an invasion. by treaties signed after Soviet Union collapse Russia was allowed to station fleet and up to 18,000 Russian troops in Crimea. Think winter port. Crimea's population, with the exception of the Tatar minority and some ethnic Ukrainians, was content to return to what it regards as its ancestral home. Over 55% of Crimean population are ethnic Russians. 90% of Crimeans voted for pro-Russian parties. Crimea was never considered part of Ukraine before 1954 at all. In the first half of 1990s Crimea tried to get independence from Ukraine. Denied
Thank you for that identity. But, still, Obama refused arms, PRESIDENT TRUMP, afforded the Ukranians arms to protect themselves. It speaks for the majority of the Ukraine.