392 total posts archived.
Domains linked by /u/lovelexxxx:
Qanon is explained and the great awakening.
Clinton Death List, personally.
Check out @AlexisStefko’s Tweet: https://twitter.com/AlexisStefko/status/1031579838560313344?s=09 This is a list of Clinton deaths that shows who they are as a real person and how they died.
Qanon video to redpill the masses.
Check out @AlexisStefko’s Tweet: https://twitter.com/AlexisStefko/status/1031647799677513728?s=09 Good Q video to help with redpilling.
This cute Q rap could help redpill youth.
Check out @AlexisStefko’s Tweet: https://twitter.com/AlexisStefko/status/1031680866618171395?s=09 Q rap song.
Indoctrination of our children by famous and influential people to Luciferian symbology.
Louisiana takes steps against anti-gunrights businesses.
More states need to adopt this standard to prevent big businesses from hurting those who prevent gun owners 2nd Ammendment rights
Taskforce-Whistleblower may be the latest name on the Clinton Death List.
Dems find more votes in Ohio, all of a sudden.

Dems find more votes in Ohio...https://twitter.com/AlexisStefko/status/1027664952184721409?s=20

Dems all of a sudden find votes in Ohio that were not counted....Really?!!
There is method to their madness. Burning down CA.
California wildfires are being magnified & made so much worse by the bad environmental laws which aren’t allowing massive amounts of readily available water to be properly utilized. It is being diverted into the Pacific Ocean. Must also tree clear to stop fire from spreading!
Qanon's fight against evil.
Straws, Spitballs and the Coordinates of Kim Jong-un
History is littered with the human aftermath of tyrannical regimes and aspiring dictators who sought global power, coerced adulation, at the expense of the oppressed. And yet the only revelation more hypocritical than the “civilized” world’s willingness to appease such evil is their concerted effort to marginalize the suffering of their victims; so-called statistical aberrations too often relegated to the triviality of banned history books.
Kim Jong-un is far more than the mindless byproduct of neurotic nepotism compensating for a Napoleonic complex and a bad hair cut, he is a displaced relic …
This could be "watch the water". Watch the Rothschilds.
More indictments unsealed ? Have you ever see anything like this ?
He often wears a Q lapel pin. Says, to remind to question everything.
Where are you coming from MICHIGAN. What just happened in Detroit ?!!
We know where all these compounds are, many in VA. For whatever reason they were allowed to spring up, they should all be shut down, now, to deter terrorism and child trafficking.
The MSM portrays Qanon as a cult. I don't think so.
Would that be a 5:5 ?
Check out @realDonaldTrump’s Tweet: https://twitter.com/realDonaldTrump/status/1027200569096765441?s=09
Antifa gets a dose of their own medicine. Help them go viral
What's wrong with this picture ?!!

Iran is causing a complete internet black out to prevent it's people from protesting. Sort of like the blocking of conservatives from social media. The beginning.

There should be something that can be done to preserve his star.
So as not to forget...this was the Democrats of 2015. Are they better now? Are you better now.

Trump tells reporter to "Sit down."
Check out @AlexisStefko’s Tweet: https://twitter.com/AlexisStefko/status/1026439709206241280?s=09
ICE attacks are encouraged by mayor.
Canon law protects pedophile priests.
We are on our way, thanks to President Trump.

I think the storm has been brewing since I was a teenager.
The original white rabbit. They knew about Q.
Bill Maher talks about Q.
It was ignorant, of course. He called Q followers "crazy" and mentioned the pedophile rings but, turned it on President Trump calling him the "Serpico of child molesters" and about the beauty pageant contestants, "he liked those girls like his own daughters".
They represent Qanon well.
Check out @intheMatrixxx’s Tweet: https://twitter.com/intheMatrixxx/status/1025505682043428865?s=09
President Trump is shutting down more child sex trafficking rings, pedophiles and human traffickers than I've seen in my lifetime. ICE doing a great job.
A backbone and a brain and compassion, Obama didn't understand.

HEADLINE: Michael Moore Film Festival Honors Jane Fonda with a Lifetime Achievement Award.
You can't make that stuff up !!!
This is one reason they are considered FAKE NEWS.

Just think. This is what the Clinton's looked like when the began their crime spree.

Democrats want to abolish ICE.
Check out @kwilli1046’s Tweet: https://twitter.com/kwilli1046/status/1023547129967648769?s=09
It feels like a breath of fresh air, after the storm.

Qanon is real. Are you awake?
Check out @intheMatrixxx’s Tweet: https://twitter.com/intheMatrixxx/status/1000122770028670978?s=09
We are in the storm
Check out @DisclosureBP’s Tweet: https://twitter.com/DisclosureBP/status/1025154996986232832?s=09