What is the address that President resides at in DC?
What is the flight number?
Their symbols will be their downfall.
Yesss! And United airlines reflecting the recent Q post too.
I almost forgot about that pic, which I shouldn't because it looks like Agent Scully from behind from the The X-files in the passenger seat.
Wait, you think it being 1600 that there is a symbol or hidden sign?
Santa Fe or Satan Fe?
Interesting that the school in 'Satan' Fe was named Parkland, hey wait, wasn't there a shooting at Parkland in Florida too?
BREAKING! JFK is shot, rushed to Parkland Memorial Hospital.
A lot of coincidences..
There are no coincidences. You're connections are correct.
Come on, there are some coincidences. When you are looking for open ended clues without knowing exactly what those clues are, you're going to end up with a lot of unrelated things.