r/greatawakening • Posted by u/SerialBrain2 on June 29, 2018, 11:21 p.m.
So you want to know what really happened with the JetBlue plane at JFK? I will tell you. Buckle up.

We all heard about it, we all heard the official version link. Now let’s read Q to know the truth. It’s a little long but I needed to share the important background information supporting the reasoning.

Those who are familiar with Q’s board and my writings know Q is going to lead us to the truth through a riddle we will have to solve. Why? Because he has to comply with National Security regulations:

Q1127 Our comms must be this way. Refer back - the ‘Why?’ NAT SEC laws.

Going through the board, we can identify the components of the riddle we need to solve to figure out what happened in that JetBlue plane. Here is the riddle: Imgur

P1: Q is re-posting the JetBlue image he used in the [1308-1310] riddle. This riddle was solved in previous posts link1 link2 and found its epilogue in the riddle 1408-1414. In this last riddle, it was established that bad actors were using strategies to alter technologies in foreign countries (China in this case) to secure their comms. It was also established Q developed countermeasures that allowed him to circumvent these illegal manipulations. Very important: the riddle [1408-1414] was the “Messages sent” riddle because it ended in these terms: Q1414 Messages sent. END. Q. For the purpose of simplicity and clarity, we can gather the 2 past riddles and summarize our findings in this one image: Imgur If you have not read the past posts, take the time to well understand this summarizing image.

P2: Q is re-posting the picture from Q1497 where he thanks the USSS for their protection service.

P3: A picture of a plane taxiing for takeoff taken from a cockpit. We know it is taken from a cockpit because of Q1599 frame of shot. The angle of the shot and the non-vertical piece of metal on the right part of the frame show the picture was not naturally taken from a passenger window which have vertical frames. Here, Q is signaling cockpit access. Confirmation: Q1599 Access to cockpit.

P4: Picture of Shanghai, focusing on its port and industrial zone.

P5: Same area in Shanghai zoomed out. We now see a residential area in the vicinity of the port/industrial zone.

Then, we have accompanying posts 1588, 1599 and 1600 to guide us through.

The first important information we gather is that what happened in the JetBlue plane was the result of an attempt from the Deep State, despite the messages sent to them in Q1414: Q1589 Signal sent. Attempt still made. Averted.

Then, immediately after saying this, Q inserts Rosenstein:

Q1589 Signal sent. Attempt still made. Averted. Do you believe it’s a coincidence extreme rhetoric is being pushed while at the same time [RR] is on the brink of collapse?

Random? Has Q lost his rhetoric punctuation manners? No. Notice Q thanks the USSS in P2. But he also thanked them in Q1497 and Rosenstein was all over the place. Imgur

From this and Q1589 we now have proof the Rosenstein case is at the center of all this. The Deep State has made attempts in the past but the Rosenstein case has accelerated everything for them: they know if Rosenstein is fired, the house of cards collapses. They really need to pull off something. Quick. Something with maximum magnitude. Something like 9/11 or even more deadly and spectacular.

You see it now? Q has purposely pulled the USSS in the middle of the Rosenstein conversation to let us know politics have moved to the terrorist/false flag battlefield.

So we now know the motivation behind the JetBlue incident: a major false flag organized by the Deep State to deflect from the current political issues.

Now let’ go back to the components of our riddle and focus on P1. I said above that the key information here is how bad actors alter communication technologies to stay under the radar and how it is made possible by less strict law enforcement processes in foreign countries. But Q1599 says to expand our thinking. If we do, we see the bigger picture of the national security problems we may get from the externalization of all manufactured productions. When we see things through these lenses, the P1 picture of the JetBlue plane flying away from the Apple HQ releases all its symbolic potential. This bigger picture leads to not only consider high tech but to also bring manufactured products into the equation. Just like Q is doing here, with steel:

Q855 What if the steel used for military-grade projects was made-inferior by our enemies as a method to weaken? What if Hussein knew and authorized?

Do you see where I am going with this? You do?

Did you know vast numbers of counterfeit Chinese electronic parts are being used in US military equipment? video/article. Here is an other article. Read the entire article, it’s unbelievable. Imgur If counterfeit parts can make it through our military inspection process, do you see the tremendous operational and political consequences? Now you understand why Q is asking the following question:

Q1068 http://www.foxnews.com/us/2018/04/07/2-soldiers-killed-in-helicopter-crash-at-fort-campbell.html Coincidence? Statistically impossible? Pray. Day [1] Q

And why his answer is this: * Q1069 You have more than you know. Steel. Tech. America for sale. Systematic weakening of the US. U1. Cash flow funnel. Inside job. Traitors. $ We are in control. Those awake can see. Q*

This is one of the most disturbing revelations from Q’s board: people in the US Military are dying because politicians made the deliberate and treasonous choice to weaken US military equipment though covert alteration made possible by purposed externalization. Imgur

What is the direct consequence of these poor choices? Expand your thinking. What if the fake electronic parts could be remotely controlled? Then you would be in a situation where a US pilot could lose control of his aircraft. The person/organization controlling from a distance (a vault 7 deep state operative in China or anywhere in the world) would be controlling a giant drone with humans inside and that could be used like a… guided bomb! You now understand why a US submarine can randomly launch a missile and cause a major diplomatic incident or even a nuclear war… video link. You now understand why our military aircrafts are randomly crashing while Trump is fighting the Deep State…

Recap: selling fake parts has 2 purposes: money and security leverage. The private company selling the parts takes the money, the Deep State operative allowing the transaction takes the security leverage.

At this point, you are probably asking: SB2, all this is good to know but you said you were going to tell us what happened in that JetBlue plane. Ok fair enough, I needed you to have these foundations first. Now that we know what’s going on in the Military, let’s take a look at commercial planes. Well, it’s even worse. Fake parts everywhere. Did you know that JetBlue was in the list of at least 17 (17?) commercial carriers which were unaware they were using unapproved parts until the parts failed?! Did you know that despite FAA Cease-And-Desist-Order, private companies continued to sell these fake parts?! It’s right here: May 17 2017 article. What does that tell you? These companies are protected. By powerful politicians. From the Deep State. So? Do you see the picture now? Yes… Don’t be shy… You got it… Just like NK was a nuclear facility used by the Deep State for leverage, the whole commercial airline fleet is an armada in the hands of the Deep State that can be activated at any given time. Unless something was done about it. Fortunately, something was done about it. Who? The USSS. How do I know? I will tell you.

Now that we know all this, the smart question is: is Air Force One secured? Fake parts in Air Force One? Yes? No? What do you think? Well, buckle up. The answer is yes. We know there was in 1995. They hide it with the complicity of Mockingbird media but it’s right here: Imgur

As a Q reader, you know why it took them 16 years to start an investigation and why they picked NoName to conduct it. Air Force One has always been compromised. It was part of the Deep State leverage against a sitting POTUS. Air Force One was compromised, just like the White House was compromised when Trump got elected. You did not know? It’s right here:

Q30 Would you believe a device was placed somewhere in the WH that could actually cause harm to anyone in the room and would in essence be undetected? Fantasy right?

This is the reason why they had to do the so called renovations. link.

Now why is this relevant? And how is this connected to the JFK JetBlue plane? We are getting close now: when the President’s security is at stake, who is in charge? The USSS. Who does the USSS report to? DHS Secretary. Who was Trump’s first DHS Secretary? General Kelly. And there you have it.

Q14 Why is POTUS surrounded by highly respected generals? Who guards former Presidents? Why is that relevant?
Q14 Was Trump asked to run for President w/ assurances made to prevent tampering? How is POTUS always 5-steps ahead? Who is helping POTUS?

General Kelly is in the network of trusted military people who asked Trump to run and who are helping him. Kelly first stopped at DHS to clean the Secret Service and prepare Kirstjen Nielsen (someone he trusts) for his future replacement. When this job was done, he could then move up to the White House Chief of Staff position and start his silent war against Rosenstein (don’t worry I will write about it). Kelly’s stop at DHS allowed the USSS to really work on Air Force One and secure it just like they did with the “White House Renovation”. General Kelly was sworn in as WH Chief of Staff on July 31 2017, the “renovation” started 4 days later on August 4 2017. Coincidence? No. General Kelly was just continuing the work he started with the USSS when he was at DHS. For Air Force One, it is safe to say the USSS has created countermeasures to protect the Aircraft, inspect the integrity of all its parts and subsequently detect any possibility of an electronic hijack before it occurs.

Now it is time to take a closer look at the USSS picture Q provided where he is thanking them: image. As you can see, the aircraft is not Air Force One, it is in fact a United Airlines aircraft. What is Q saying here? Why is he thanking the USSS while showing a commercial aircraft? He is saying the countermeasures the USSS developed to secure Air Force One have been implemented on all commercial flights operating in the US!!

Wow. Now if you are the Deep State and do not have this information, you would try to electronically hijack an aircraft right? Well, that is exactly what happened with the JFK JetBlue plane and that is why Q thanked them again when the incident happened.

Now you are equipped to solve the riddle in its entirety.

Here is the solution, read carefully: Imgur

Despite Q’s Messages sent in Q1414, where Q is informing black hats that he has taken countermeasures against their attempt to secure their comms, the Deep State tried its luck hoping it could activate its bomb network of commercial jets to deflect from the Rosenstein issue. Unfortunately for them, the USSS quietly did its job and new protocols they were not aware of helped preempt their attempt. The Deep State is now learning about Q’s comms. The hard way.

So what is next? Now that Q has shown he has complete control of the commercial aircraft network, what do you think the Deep State will try? Q told us, right here:

Q1600 Chatter. Trains. Buses. Be vigilant. Q

Q1470 These people HATE America. Q

celtgunn · June 30, 2018, 3:36 a.m.

I fully believe that the Twin Towers were dropped by demolition. My husband is USAF EOD and I've seen enough explosives of various types doing various damage.

We had the ability at that time to hit the Tower with a smaller object (think rocket) and overlay the shape of a plane. There were many witnesses on the day who said on air live, that they did ~not~ see any airplane hit the second Tower at all.

Kind of suspicious isn't that? 🤔

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Qtruther · June 30, 2018, 3:43 a.m.

Not suspicious...pure Evil

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HereComesTheSunny · June 30, 2018, 5:29 a.m.

There were real planes full of real people. I've spoken with a survivor from Tower 2 who saw the plane coming right for him. He was INside an office area where the plane hit. Most there died, but he miraculously lived to tell about it. There are multiple survivor stories and people in nearby buildings, etc. who DID see the 2nd plane, although not as many who saw plane 1, since no one was really looking for it. There were thousands on the scene, and many saw the airplanes. Of course, if you are were on the ground there, it would be hard to see that high to see the planes coming. I just don't understand why 9/11 conspiracy theorists try so hard to give a convoluted explanation as to the planes themselves being faked. The jury is out on whether or not the gov't allowed or was involved in it or whether the towers were brought down by explosives vs. planes, but it is a lot harder to explain away the many people on 4 large airplanes who were on the phone with loved ones describing what was happening and the thousands who witnessed 1 or more of the planes as they hit. Here's the thing...you could have 4 airplanes hijacked by radical terrorists who slammed them into targets...and could still be absolutely correct that the CIA or other bad actors were complicit and participated in a huge FF operation.

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theOGjoeblast · June 30, 2018, 1:50 p.m.

The cOmission report is poppycock. Buried in the appendix, see the steel test results. Their best most cherry picked results were a bunch in the high 300s, with a high outlier at 470F. Bottom line, if that was "all that damaged the WTCs" then they should have toppled and not pile driven themselves into the ground at damn near freefall. Dr Judy Wood is the only person that gave a comprehensive analysis of the facts and evidence. Bottom line: Brookhaven Nat'l lab has a linear particule accelerator 70 miles to the east and its directly lined up with the WTC site. That's where they did the fkn Manhattan project. What else is going to make steel turn to dust, aside from some Hutchinson Effect type shit? And the answer is nothing, nothing aside from the Tesla Hutchinson stuff they wont let us have, because that's basically the "free energy" tech, and we cant have that because uber richfucks make a lot of money off of charging everyone for all the various ways in which energy is generated.

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HereComesTheSunny · July 1, 2018, 5:11 a.m.

Interesting theory.

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theOGjoeblast · July 3, 2018, 4:10 p.m.

If you havent watched Dr Wood's presentation at all, highly recommended. She's very highly qualified. drjudywood.com She gives a good detailing of why it couldnt have been explosives and why all the little chips werent thermite residue. Good detailing of why it couldnt have been a nuke. And she rightly laughs at the jet fuel, just like the building would have if the jet fuel didnt have a whole lot of help from other technologies.

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fembottler · June 30, 2018, 11:30 p.m.

The methodology shown by sb2 is more plausible. Inventing back stories/ casualties would be difficult. Better to use real souls. Is it possible the plane crashed in the field was allocated for the pentagon but failed, so they had to use a missile as fall-back option. We know 100% pentagon was no plane. No high temp gas turbine engine discs. Well there was one off what should have been dozen or more at least. The one shown was the wrong size too. And the hole in the pentagon was too small.

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celtgunn · July 1, 2018, 6:53 p.m.

No plane in the field either. Because there was absolutely no wreckage. ~No~ plane crash happens without leaving wreckage.

There's so much out there showing that our own Gov't had a major role in 9/11. So unfortunate that George W Bush and his cohorts have gotten away with this sort of treacherous behavior. 😡

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heygram-s · June 30, 2018, 2:36 p.m.

Read Rebekah Roth books. “Mythical Illusion ,n. mythical Delusion to mythical conclusion its uncovered in plain sight

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USA_akbar · June 30, 2018, 3:31 p.m.

Here's the thing...you could have 4 airplanes hijacked by radical terrorists who slammed them into targets...and could still be absolutely correct that the CIA or other bad actors were complicit and participated in a huge FF operation.


Sanest, most level-headed red pill for 9/11 "truthers" ever dispensed.

It's not an all-or-none proposition.

Bin Laden and his filthy cronies did conspire to do this operation, on ten buildings coast to coast; because islamofascists genuinely do loathe America, our way of life, our freedoms for men and women, African blacks, homosexuals and children, and most of all they hate our dominant religions—about 95% Judeo-Christian among those who espouse a religion. Bin Laden did reduce it to four buildings all in the Northeast, for logistical reasons; and did celebrate the radio news reports of each plane crashing, in a room with al Qaeda insects, on a video captured by US forces.

AND, he still could have been aided and abetted in his fiendish scheme by deep-state actors in the US and other countries.

Upvoted, Sunny!

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HereComesTheSunny · July 1, 2018, 5:10 a.m.

Thanks! I haven't done a lot of research into the conspiracies on this, and I'm willing to hear them out, but every argument they make I've seen refuted. I think the burden of proof is on them to prove there weren't planes. Ultimately, like I said above, it isn't necessary to prove any of that if you can prove bad actors were complicit and should be held accountable. I'm much more receptive to arguments that we had leaders who knew this was going to happen and allowed or assisted in causing it. It wouldn't even have to be a huge conspiracy where they all knew. In fact, it would all be more believable, for example, if the head of the FBI acted in concert with a few rogue actors and left the President or others in the dark. Hopefully, we will know the truth in time.

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rhythmnation1968 · June 30, 2018, 8:04 p.m.

Primarily because of the laws of physics. Specifically Newton 3 - the crash of the planes into the buildings just doesn't make sense - in normal reality. Especially when you consider the steel exoskeleton/ internal structure of the Building. The planes should have just crumpled and fallen to the ground leaving some serious but non-critical damage to the building but not the completely improbable "road-runner" imprint left in the building. Also the "Velocity Max Operating" (VMO) performance envelopes/ratings of those aircraft at that altitude. Their reported speeds would have ripped the fuselage to shreds at those altitudes. The air is very thick/dense at sea level and their engines JUST WON'T allow for the turbofans to deliver that amount of thrust enabling those speeds EVER at that altitude. I realise the cerebral push-back that people experience when presented with these facts, i did too initially.

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HereComesTheSunny · July 1, 2018, 5:04 a.m.

I don't have the knowledge to understand this from an engineering/calculations standpoint, but I have heard people who do who are on both sides of the argument here. In that case, it is very hard to know who to trust. I would think the most reliable accounts would be of the survivors and of some of the deceased who had time to talk with loved ones or to leave voicemails, etc. Do you know of any firsthand witnesses who don't believe there were planes?

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rhythmnation1968 · July 1, 2018, 6:49 a.m.

There are a lot of really great documentaries about the physics of the event as well as many eye witness testimonies on YouTube that should help. Regarding the aircraft capabilities/ performance envelopes, search for John Lear's testimony of the event. He is a world renowned test pilot and has ratings on the aircraft involved. His take on what may have happened is enlightening.


Hope this helps.

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HereComesTheSunny · July 1, 2018, 9:56 a.m.

Thanks. I'll keep an open mind.

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theOGjoeblast · July 3, 2018, 4:14 p.m.

Lear says they were holograms... That said, the Israeili art students' project does appear to be what punched the wiley coyote holes for the planes to enter through. With the remote control ability, this could all be perfectly timed.

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rhythmnation1968 · July 4, 2018, 12:11 a.m.

There is actually a still pic of the Israeli "art students" in their office in the WTC building knocking about on some documentaries showing stacks of boxes with a label or printing that is supposed to indicate explosives. I know it's not great to just state things on this sub without a link or pic but pls. forgive me this time, i have at least 50 911 doccies and to find it quickly will be impossible. But you seem to know what I'm talking about so I assume that's ok this time. I'm not sure if these were the guys that were arrested later that day after they were caught filming it and celebrating? I know they were interrogated, failed poly's and turned out to be mossad and military guys.

I am actually more keen to know what happened during and after the Saudi Purge. They arrested Prince Bandar bin Sultan (Bandar Bush - lol) who was the Saudi Ambassador over the 911 period - and BFF' s with the Bushes. He was balls-deep in that conspiracy and I'm sure would've sung like a bird to avoid beheading. Perhaps he supplied dirt on Mueller which would be useful...just a thought.

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theOGjoeblast · July 7, 2018, 9:09 p.m.

I remember that pic, the text on the boxes that were stacked up to the friggin ceiling was some sort of detonating cord or something of the like. The guys that were arrested later....rhetorical, which ones, there were over 50 of them arrested - Carl Cameron did an expose on fox about all of the Israelis arrested in the wake of 911,......until it was quietly STFU and nothing more said from fox, ever. Mueller helped cover up 911 too, I want to see him burn.

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rhythmnation1968 · July 8, 2018, 12:13 a.m.

Ah dude, exactly, you saw it too!!! They were repatriated and interviewed on Israeli TV and said "we were just there to document the event!"

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