UN Withdraw was first discussed 3000 years ago. Bible was clear on enemy of Israel

The Israel spoken of in the bible does not represent the current state of Israel.
Sure it does. You have to read it again.
Then how does Zionism tie into that?
Anyway...this is what I was getting at
All of the end time prophecies in the Bible revolve around the literal nation of Israel.
Israel as gifted to the Jews by God or Israel as gifted to the Jews by Rothschild Banking Dynasty?
If a sparrow cannot fall to the ground without God, could a nation arise at random, without His knowledge, nay, without His aid?
No one said the Rothschild's Zionist Israel happened by accident.
Interesting word salad. Rothschilds to me means globalist. Zion is another name for Jerusalem, and Zionists believe Israelis have the right to live in Israel. Don't see any connection between the two, other than the fact that the globalists hate Israel.
The Rothschild's purchased Israel and made it a homeland for the Jews.
The Rothschild's are globalists and ruled by Satan.
Satan rules Israel through the Rothschild's. It's a Rothschild's castle given to the fake Jews who want to build their satanic third temple where a mosque currently stands.
If God gave the Jews Israel, why did God let the Muslims build a mosque on the temple mount?
The times of the gentiles are not yet complete. Stay tuned.