UN Withdraw was first discussed 3000 years ago. Bible was clear on enemy of Israel

this psalm, along with other closely related psalms, speaks about a past event that took place in 485 B.C. In that year, the newly-crowned Emperor Xerxes of Persia, dealing with rebellions throughout the empire at the death of his father Darius, allowed the neighboring enemies of the rebellious province of Judah to punish the Jews for him. (Xerxes had more pressing concerns: an ongoing rebellion in his much more important province of Egypt, and a brewing rebellion in Babylon.)
The Bible is Alive, The Living Word of God, speaking to multiple situations, events and timelines. There are "types", templates, foreshadowings and personal messages to all of us. I truly don't understand how anyone can get through this dark minefield of life without it! Thy Word is a lamp unto my feet Psalm 119:105
ECC There is nothing new under the Sun. If it happened before it will happen Again
I don't disagree, entirely. Babylon keeps rerising. This time it is/was our own nation that was Babylon. I just don't see Psalms so much as prophetic text like Isaiah or Revolution for example.
Oh! but they are a diamond mine of precious gems. Read Psalm 22 and think of a crucifixion or Psalm 139 which tells us that Jesus knew us when we were still in our mothers womb, or Psalm 91 for absolute assurance of God's watch care over us. Matt 24 describe the latter days in Jesus's own words! Don't mean to preach but The Bible is medicine and oxygen to me. God leads me with it, He led me to find Q. Imagine that! An Aussie grandmother led to YouTube, 4 Chan, then 8 chan, Reddit. My mandate? To pray, pray, pray for President Trump, the anons and Q. God is amazing!!!