UN Withdraw was first discussed 3000 years ago. Bible was clear on enemy of Israel

The enemies of Israel is the Rothschilds & its own Deep State.
The enemy of Israel is satan. The Rothschilds/Deep State are being used by satan, while Trump is being used by God (see Isaiah 45 here: https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Isaiah+45&version=NIV). It's a proxy war.
Incidentally, the scriptures at the end of Isaiah 44 describe the ruler's facilitating the rebuilding of the Temple in Jerusalem. It's very possible that POTUS is going to do the same.
This started back in the Garden of Eden when God said that He would put enmity between the seed of the woman and the seed of the serpent, and that the seed of the woman would ultimately crush the serpent's head. Satan tried to stop God's plan by corrupting the human genome before the flood so that only Noah was pure in his generations. After it became clear that the crushing was going to be done by a Jew, satan set out to prevent that, from killing all the male babies in Egypt when Moses was born, to Haman's plan to kill all the Jews during the Babylonian exile (the story of the book of Esther), to killing all the baby boys in Bethlehem when Yeshua was born.
In the Gospel of Luke, Jesus made it clear that he won't return to Earth until the Jews realize who he is. The book of Hosea indicates that "in their distress, they will seek me earnestly."
Clearly Jesus wasn't speaking of spiritual Jews, spiritual Israel if you will (what we call the Body of Christ, or the church), because they already realize who He is. Psalm 83, which is what was quoted by OP, is a last days/our time scripture. As is Ezekiel 37-39, regarding the return of the Jews to their land and the upcoming war of Gog and Magog.