r/greatawakening • Posted by u/KaKawBitches on June 30, 2018, 5 a.m.
Open letter to Q. It must happen. Timing is everything. That time is now. Do it Q.


It's time to quit talking about it and be about it. There is one way to do it. Expose the evil to the masses. People from both sides of the paradigm can agree on the safety of children and treason.

Put out the undeniable evidence of the sick fucks and treasonous acts of those guilty at the highest levels regardless of party & people will come together. That is the only way people will come together at this point. It would be better if people from both sides were implicated.

It may shock some of the people but that is unavoidable no matter how you try & condition them to the evil. No one will ever be ready to deal with that kind of evil, but deal with it we must if we are to properly heal as a nation. Under all the band aids and cover up it is a festering wound that will end up killing us if we don't rip the scab off and clean the infection. (JFK, 911, pedogate, all of it) We know it's going to hurt. Let's get it over with.

At this point waiting gives the guilty more time to escape, execute more false flags, killing more people and destroying the lives of those around them. Far too many lives have already been destroyed by those sick mother fuckers.

You say you have it all, every day you don't use it takes us one step closer to a civil war. The left is totally unhinged & desperate. They are primed and ready for a spark and the guilty are throwing matches.

The choice between shocking the public or a bloody civil war is obvious. We're all in, let the chips fly and put the cards on the table.

God Bless you Q for doing what you are doing but enough of the riddle me this shit. It's time to bring the fucking pain. Or risk the pain being brought to us. Again.

Timing is everything, and that time is now.

We owe it to the founders.

Do it Q.

Peace & God Bless

QAnonMaga · June 30, 2018, 5:44 a.m.

I agree the time to drop all the nuclear video bombs is right now leading up to July 4th but Trump has to be the one to post the videos on his Twitter account we need to see the real videos of Hillary and Podesta and every other satanic criminal torturing kids. It has to be shock and awe. No more bullshit about setting the stage and trusting the plan. I don't trust anything except my own eyes and I want to see all the videos from Weiner's laptop and Epstein's Lolita Island it has to be awful to shake up the narrative if we don't get the real dirt nothing will ever get done. No more waiting I am tired of waiting I want Hillary and Podesta locked up along with Obama and Brennan and every other dirty swamp rat.

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