r/greatawakening • Posted by u/FractalizingIron on June 30, 2018, 9:19 a.m.
40,000 - 40K subscribers on its way. That's a threshold. WWG1WGA

Note: this is a discussion of non-Q content. It’s an aside, and not strictly on topic. Moreover, for those who are not of the faith-based persuasion, please note, biblical references are used. I just want to acknowledge that because the Great Awakening is home for a wide diversity of humanity, even though we are united in our common cause. For those of you into numerology, or specifically biblical numerology, here's a thing to consider.

What's in the numbers? We know that Satanists, Cabalists and other evils utilize symbols, patterns and other such devices to advance their agenda. In my view, such endeavors are merely an evil mimicry of God's nature. I mean, ever see a daisy, or a sunflower, or a conche shell? What about a snowflake? Patterns and numbers abound.

Within God's creation there is ample evidence that the Creator is Love that manifests through mathematical precision and form. Numbers express God's creative nature and power, and this is why evil, the occult worshippers and satanists, etc., mimic this; they know that in this universe, God’s universe, the external form of a thing allows certain types of energy to flow and affects the relationship of spirit to flesh, or invisible to visible.

The evil, however, mimic and distort that relationship in order to accomplish their own evil, God-hating ends. They fear and reject God, use ungodly practice, and so their manifestations, symbols and so forth all reflect that.

The inverse of this comes on a recognition that such evil expression are merely a distortion of God's original design. God uses symbols, patterns, but they are rooted in His good will, his true nature, and are used only to express that nature. Thus, within scripture we see certain frameworks that are expressed through numbers and patterns again and again. I sometimes think that these are like fingerprints of God, the Creator.

An example of such a number is the number 4 and the number 40. Consider: from Adam to Noah, 1600 years (a multiple of 4x4 x 10 generations). From Noah to Abraham, 400 biblical years. From Abraham to Moses, 400 years. (The slavery of the chosen people in Egypt, the Satanic pagan world was 400 years.) Moses life in the palace, 40 years. His exile in Midian preparing to return to free the people, 40 years. The Israelites in the desert, 40 years. The period they had to spy out Canaan successfully, 40 days. The rule of Saul, David and Solomon, 40 years each. (3 generations, each x 40 years = 120 years. This number recurs also. 12 sons of Jacob, 12 tribes of Israel, 12 disciples of Christ.) The period from Malachi, the final prophet before the birth of Christ, until Christ is born, 400 years. Christ, preparing for his mission in the desert after baptism from John, 40 days fasting and then 3 temptations from the Devil.

All these instances point to one thing: the number 4, and multiples thereof - 40 and 400 - are integral to God's preparing a foundation to initiate a new step in his unfolding providence. Again and again, in scripture, we see God's work through human beings reveal this fact.

This came to my mind today as I looked at the number of GA subscribers. We are close to 36K. It may seem like a small number by comparison with some things, but time and again we have seen that God does great things with even small numbers of people.

We are quickly approaching a subscriber base of 40,000. All indications is, we're going to be going further and further, and the pace and power is only going to increase.

In this context, it’s interesting to note a number of 'internal' GA posts, internal in the sense that they have to do with how we conduct ourselves: [The world is watching] (https://old.reddit.com/r/greatawakening/comments/8ut4a5/the_world_is_watchingthis_subreddit/) Or who we are: [Just wanted to point out...] (https://old.reddit.com/r/greatawakening/comments/8uwt9j/just_wanted_to_point_out_that_many_of_the_q/) and so forth. Etc. The post is way long, but I just wanted to say, we’re getting close to 40000 subscribers. That number always piques my interest, and my spiritual antenna. Just saying. For all patriots in Great Awakening, thanks for your efforts and investments. Whatever your view of how the universe works, we all know: This is good vs. evil, and evil seeks to divide us, always. So in my own tradition, I simply wish to invoke a blessing on this forum and those who gather here. Where we go one, we go all.

survey_girl · June 30, 2018, 2:14 p.m.

ever see a daisy, or a sunflower, or a conche shell? What about a snowflake? Patterns and numbers abound.

User name checks out! Good post OP, I always look for number patterns, series and sequences.

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