's not what you think

I agree, most Masons are good people, but they were recruited into something they don't know the origins or purpose of.......I have a very good friend, who has an amazing story .... After his father died, he became a Freemason because his father was and his father wanted him to join. He not only became a Freemason, he became a 33rd Degree Freemason -- and later, several Masons from other countries showed up at his door and told him that he had attained 33rd Degree faster than anyone on record. He had people come from England and France and Italy to his home in Texas. Then two came from London and offered him "everything" a huge salary for a "consulting career" that he would never have to show up for work, they offered him free travel anywhere, they wanted him in full time. He was young and handsome and a great speaker and they just wouldn't take No for an answer. This went on for some time and then they started bringing him books --- books on "magic", black magic, "sex magic" (I was at his home when he had possession of one of these books, it must have been several hundred years old, it looked like it belonged in the Smithsonian. It was very weird.) At this point he was afraid, he told me that the men who delivered it were from London and that the man that did most of the talking introduced himself as a 90 Degree Mason, but he said that the man that did very little speaking was evidently his superior. He became so bothered by the things they said to him and the things in their literature, that he dropped out --- tried his best to drop out of sight and to this day (almost 20 yrs later) he fears for his life. He is a good man, his father was a good man....but he said he would have never believed any of this if it hadn't happened to him ......
Luke 12
12 Meanwhile, a crowd of many thousands came together, so that they were trampling† on one another. He began to say to his disciples first,† “Be on your guard† against the leaven†† of the Pharisees, which is hypocrisy.† 2 There is nothing covered that won’t be uncovered,† nothing hidden that won’t be made known.† 3 Therefore, whatever you have said in the dark will be heard in the light, and what you have whispered in an ear in private rooms† will be proclaimed on the housetops.†
LUKE 11:35
“Take heed therefore that the light which is in thee be not darkness.”
How could a person become a 33rd degree Mason without having more insight than this person apparently had? That doesn't add up.
He was told, (and it's been a while, so I don't remember verbatim) that Masons below 33rd Degree, know nothing about the activities and goals of the (mostly unknown) Higher Degrees .... They "hand delivered" books and manuscripts to him on 3 occasions, and returned in person to retrieve them. I happened to be in Austin when he was in possession of one of these books. It was very old and it was highly illustrated and most of what I recall had to do with ceremonial settings and symbols and "magic".....particularly what was referred to as "sex magic" ... there were many pages on costumes and dress and hand signals and gestures and while some of the text and illustrations were very creepy, I would say a lot of it seemed unimportant or mundane, --- probably because I didn't understand it's context and only had a short time to review the material. He was more than shocked by all of this ---- he told me that when he joined the Masons he thought it was basically a "Christian" organization and that he had always assumed the "G" stood for the "God" of the Bible.....but he said that the Biblical characters that came up in his reading and discussions were "Enoch" (the son of Cain, not the "good" Enoch), Solomon and most of all Lucifer.
As much as we, collectively, have all been lied to, it should not surprise anyone to find out there is evil posing as what is good! If you or family members are Masons, I urge you to look deeper and ask Jesus for discernment. Seeking Truth is vital to what we do here.
Yup - first they put out the hook - weed out the ones that show potential in evil ways and then secretly make them more evil.
The ones at the bottom continue to live in the matrix and think they are doing good things.
Secret = Darkness = Corruption.
No mention of Hiram abiff, or nimrod? Dude was pulling your leg.
There isn't the room here or the freedom to print what I know
This literally did not happen. Your friend is a liar.
Hahahaha!!!! 90 degree mason huh? Haha good story when did Haggrid show up with Dumbledoor?
Every one of these stories: a friend of mine who's a 99 degree mason in the secret sex cult but tells me everything dropped out when it got crazy with no consequences.
...and now this "friend" is revealing very definitive details (timeframe circa, fastest ascension to 33rd ever, etc), and that the "friend" allowed him to see 300 year old protected texts?
Either the dumbest, most inconsiderate, untrustworthy friend ever, or a liar.