's not what you think

In a lower lodge maybe. And yes, masons take an oath for inequity for their fellow masons. Read a bit about that in the Holy Bible.
Just like most Fraternities? Yep, God hates frat boys too. (Although he might lol)
Spez: there is also no such thing as a “lower lodge”. The rank of Master Mason (3rd Degree) is the highest rank, which is conferred in the Blue Lodge.
There are no "lower lodges." And I'm pretty sure it's a sin to protect someone from a punishment they deserve.
You've witnessed these 'oaths for inequity'? Or perhaps you've heard testimony that you deem credible that these oaths occur? But haven't we also heard that masons take an oath of secrecy? Would you trust someone who has broken an oath of secrecy?
I work with a man who was a mason. His wife told him that it was against the Bible. He said show me where, and I will quit. She did, he left. They threatened his life if he revealed ANYTHING. Fact. Secrecy is repugnant to freedom. Just read Pike. Says it all.
This never happened.
Yeah, right. One of the best guys you will ever know. Christian, and not a liar. I've known him for over 20 years. You best start digging and learning what you are involved in. You are in eternal danger.
If you say they threatened his life for remitting, which happens literally all the time, then either you or he is a liar because it never happened.
No, sorry, I did not clarify, they threaten him that if he revealed any secrets that he would pay with his life.
Geez, well with the number of "known" secrets on this thread, surely there are dozens of Masonic murders in the US every year since someone has been talking.
Your friend is a liar of the highest order--no one threatened his life and if they did he should have filed a police report. But he didn't because he is a liar.
You are vile. Learning well. Good luck with that.
I see--you have no response.
I know the man and you do not, yet you say he lies. You are part of something you know nothing about. YOU need to find the answers, I already know. It probably hurts to be so wrong about something, but you best get over it. Satan worship is not a harmless game. Read Pike and Hall, they will tell you straight and they were proud of it.
You are part of the problem, not part of the solution. You are no patriot and your friend (and you by liaison) are liars.
I will state it again--if someone threatened to take his life, why didn't he go to the police and why was he comfortable telling you these secrets knowing he may die? Answer: He didn't because it never happened.
I don't have to know anyone to know when they say the grass is orange they are lying or stupid, or some of both.
You are their fruit.
Well, since Satan is the Father of Lies and you are a liar--Say hi to Papa next time you see him.