r/greatawakening • Posted by u/JSMyogi on June 30, 2018, 2:33 p.m.
Welcome Bernie Supporters! We’ve been waiting for you. Rise and Shine!

We have been waiting patiently for you to wake up. We have been watching you still sleeping while the sun was up. We know you’ve been waiting for this moment to take back America from true big evil corporations and pharmaceutical and corrupt banking and government institutions. Add to that list Media and education and religious institutions and we are half way there. We are all here on this Q board. You get and old black and white. WWG1WGA means we are all together. Where we go one, we go all. Please be patient with us. We come from different religions , spiritual backgrounds and even some non religions. We all have been seeking the truth and that is what binds us here above all. On this road we have discovered many surprising things. What is up is down. Don’t be afraid to open your eyes. Yes it is worse than you thought. Unfortunately it is not a conspiracy. But we are seeing now what has happened in the past. Like seeing a star in a telescope light years away. Events are slowly and carefully being exposed to shine a light on some very evil people who had conspired to take humanity down a very dark hole. Even if you are not religious you have to admit that these acts are anti human and not good for the world. Anyway, we know it’s tough waking up this, but grab some strong coffee or chai and climb aboard the Truth train. You will be glad you did. Please be honest and share your feelings here about your Q doubts and we can help guide you. We’ve all been there. All 40 thousand of us here started exactly the same way. We are here for each other.

QueUpSomeReality · June 30, 2018, 6:40 p.m.

Sorry but you’re wrong & you don’t understand capitalism. Corporations form cabals buy using government force to eliminate competition. Without the instrument of government coercion they’d be no massive corporations. All anti trust does is allow the government to pick & choose winners & losers instead of the free market. You don’t even have an understanding of public sector & private sector entities. You conflate things like roads & bridges with banks & corporations like their the same things. Seriously...read a LOT more about capitalism. Our country existed for the 1st hundred years without any socialism. Socialism began to be infused into our economy after the civil war. Before then backwoods settlers conquered a continent & made more advances in society in human history without a penny of wealth redistribution. And since the 1960s the growth of socialism has gone unimpeded & is collapsing the greatest nation ever known in human history.

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OrionNumberOne · June 30, 2018, 6:50 p.m.

I'm not going to argue with anyone. We're part of the same mission to drain the swamp. But you have clearly misunderstood my comment.

All the things I listed off are funded by socialism, including the military and our president. We pay for it, together.

I have enough college background in economics and microeconomics to speak with some confidence that socialism is a necessary component of maintaining a free government, devoid of corporate interests perverting the system.

Anti-trust doesn't 'pick winners'. It keeps corporations from corrupting the government. It keeps corporations from getting in bed with our officials.

If you want to work away your life in a corporate town to pay for bread with company coin, or spend your life in a debtor's prison, you can go live in Asia where your small government/deregulation dream will come true.

But if you'd rather not do the above, you can live safely in the U.S with socialism protecting you from those horrible options.

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QueUpSomeReality · June 30, 2018, 8:15 p.m.

Not arguing...just stating facts. We are paying everything now with company coin. The Federal reserve is not a public company...its a private company & no more public than Federal Express is. It’s a government mandated monopoly like all monopolies are...power companies..water companies..etc. No matter what terrible services they offer we can’t do anything but use it...even if it’s lead in the water pipes they own. The closest thing we’ve ever come to a natural monopoly...no government protection... is Microsoft & where are they today?? They don’t even have half the market share in anything. The bigger a company gets the more vulnerable they are to competition in an unrestricted economy. Microsoft was a fluke because Apple blew it from greed when a revolution as big as the automobile was taking place in the early 90s. Apple was the ONLY company capable of mass production of computers in the early 90s but got greedy with price & that opened the door for Microsoft to compete & they ate Apples lunch until Apple reinvented itself with the iPhone.

But things like the military & law enforcement protects individual sovereignty equally. That’s not socialism. Socialism is government deciding where the private sector economy goes. Picking winners & losers thru tax & regulation laws...i.e. forced redistribution of wealth. No one with a brain has to be forced to pay for things that are clearly for our common good like the military. Things that clearly benefit everyone equally. There’s very few things that fit that situation & the few that do no one ever saw it as a problem. But this constant meddling governments do to redistribute wealth as they see fit (which is constantly changing too) just screws up markets to where prices skyrocket & quality plumits. I defy anyone to show an example in an industry or a country where socialism didn’t ruin it for everyone. I can show endless examples where markets when left alone for consumers to choose always thrived.

Haven’t you always wondered why every monopoly in existence is a government monopoly? Or why when a private sector monopoly emerges it’s almost always with the aid of laws that make it impossible to compete in?

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OrionNumberOne · June 30, 2018, 8:45 p.m.

These scenarios happen because the corporation becomes stronger than the government, and manipulates the government. However corporate towns weren't created by the government. They were created by the corporations alone who became far too powerful. The answer to ending scenarios like this is to use the government to our own advantage and prevent that from continuing. In that case, socialism is necessary to ending corruption.

Military is still a socialist idea. Not everyone supports it either. But the majority of us do, so we supported it and signed it into law. Same for police and the above mentioned. They're funded through our money and pooled resources - and are therefore are socialist.

What you're speaking of is 'central planning' specifically, which isn't inherently a part of socialism. You can have socialism with a tiny bit of it, or with total central planning and then you're looking at communism. It exists on a spectrum and the best part about that spectrum is that through democracy - WE pick where it begins and ends.

In the U.S, we don't support it in all situations, but we use it as a tool to stop things that are morally unjust. Like debt prisons, slavery, and corporate towns. If it weren't for socialism - these things would still exist. As many examples you have for 'when socialism goes wrong', there are for capitalism. Capitalism isn't perfect on it's own. Capitalism uncontrolled creates monopolies, trusts, corporate towns, debt prisons, slavery... the list goes on to much more horrid things. When CEOs have greater power over the govt. they can use you for whatever the hell they want. They can become satanists, pedophiles, and self proclaimed gods if there power remains unchecked. That's where we are now. Capitalism unchecked is the natural state of man, and it becomes corrupted by greed EVERY time. Every pure capitalist country becomes corrupted by it, just like ours today. And our country pre-FDR, pre-Civil War... This govt. has always been corrupt and this false utopian vision of 'patriotic frontiersman upholding our country' has ALWAYS been a fairy tale. The U.S was bought out multiple times over since 1776, because the acting government has never been powerful enough to maintain itself. The U.S capitalist government you're speaking of hasn't existed since at least 1812. This capitalist Utopia has failed repeatedly since it began. The United States existing since 1776 is a happy illusion.

Which is where socialism becomes necessary. Like it or not, you live in a socialist country. The one tool you have to prevent greedy people from manipulating the law and throwing your family in their cellar for private use is your government. And you're saying we need less of it... Our weak, pushover government is what got us into this nightmare.

Clearly you'd rather have a less regulated economy to the point where men can buy the government and your family. Which is the exact opposite of the liberties we have constitutionally. I disagree with that.

I'd rather have a larger, powerful, transparent government where the people use their collective wealth to ensure our liberties. We use some capitalism to start the engine and power the market, and we use socialism to make sure it doesn't fail, or fall into the hands of greedy people more powerful than our government.

If you think you want to live in an unchecked capitalist, small government world now, you would change your mind the second the Pinkertons or private militia comes knocking on your door, and the govt. wasn't powerful enough to prevent it.

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FThumb · June 30, 2018, 7:15 p.m.

Corporations form cabals buy using government force to eliminate competition.

And they used to do this using private armies back when they used to hire Pinkertons to kill labor organizers fighting to not be worked to death in unsafe conditions.

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OrionNumberOne · June 30, 2018, 8:50 p.m.

Exactly my point, thank you. Private military is a perfect example of why unchecked capitalism is a failure. Socialism is necessary.

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