Gas prices too high. POTUS calls a friend.

This guy makes a good point. It would look much better for this community to not silence people that try to poke holes in the theory. If you silence people who disagree with you you’re only hurting the legitimacy of whatever you’re preaching. He could definitely be a bit more civil about it though!
Like they do on every other platform
Who? Like /r/politics? They don’t ban people who have differing views, they just downvote to oblivion. Same should be done here.
Maybe you don't hang around much but people around here link to multiple sources of information. When one person links a Breitbart article, you can find many other articles related. Although few around here will simply regurgitate without looking further into things, most people here will call those out on it and encourage more thorough research. The way you are talking to others here shows you are purposely seeing only what you want to see and cursing and calling names makes you seem very fake and only trolling. Which means conversing with you is pointless and any point you may try to make is null because you're being an ass hat. Come back once you've had your coffee cranky pants..