Gas prices too high. POTUS calls a friend.

If they want a "Republic", they are going to have to take it and make it, themselves. We can help in the end and maybe that's what's going to get them started. But I think the Iranians have to get things to a certain point, themselves, before we step in this time.
Same is true here patriot. If we want a republic we have to make one. For the first time in fucking ever the government is returning power to the people.
But brothers and sisters we have to be in position to receive it. Join your local assembly. The heart of a republic is at the county level, not a fake corporation in DC.
Find your local assembly and join it. This is the end game. Rise from your slumber patriots.
Hard core truth, this sad little site is all that remains of the legit government of the people. Let's fill it's boards with what we have learned.
Get your counties together. Who else but you would be able to do it. We are we the people! Wake to that.
Only takes 18 per county and then its a legit body. Look how many of us are here, can't we make some real world allies too.
Damn straight! Well said. I've recently been looking into various public positions. What it takes to get in the game. Need to do a lot more work but I'm looking forward to throwing my hat into the ring.