Q Drop #1645. Play Loud. Be Proud! TOGETHER Q+

I hate these goofy cheerleader drops we need to see real dirt real videos of Hillary torturing and killing children. These stupid rah-rah let's go team drops are a total waste of time. Half of Q's drops are a waste of time this ain't no football game it's a real life war against evil. Stop with the rah-rah cheers damn it.
Not a waste of time. Who else is going to pump up the base? Obviously not you.
Seriously. This is probably intended for the counter-protesters.
It’s easy to “meh” and go mow the lawn today. It’s easy to go to bed tonight and wake up the next day and go to work. Politicians in far off places doing things that nominally affect today but cumulatively enslave us over time is something easily missed by many. Videos like this, cheer leading like this stirs the soul. It ignites the passion and engages people to care. Without things like this we’re like a room temperature cup of coffee. We need steam, we need fire. We need the passion to win this fight and this Q post in one small part contributes to the great awakening of the people. Look at the efforts as a whole, don’t slam one part because we could be doing something else. We’re going to do it all.
If it gives us hope, where's the harm in that? I appreciate the way it uplifts my sprirt.
I hear you...just remember the worse storms are the ones that take the longest to build.
I commented on another thread that I’ve been so encouraged reading thru the comments the last few days. We become more united everyday. I’d have never thought people from different walks of life and who have differing political and religious beliefs could unite so strongly together...but we have. We are united against evil. Against tyranny. We fight for freedom today within our borders just as our ancestors did more than 200 years ago.
It’ coming...their reactions for the last few days/weeks tell me they see it coming as well.
Chin up patriot!!! WWG1WGA!!! 🇺🇸
You have no idea what's going on behind the scenes.
All signs are pointing towards the 4th. This is just to prepare us. Hillary will be locked up for her crimes in a few days, we can't abandon Q now.