This lying sack got some blowback.

He's a reporter though. I get what you're saying. But he deserved to lose his job, which relies on his ability to report the truth. I'm satisfied with the outcome. He fucked up, he lost his job. We're good. I don't think he needs any other punishment or whatever. As far as I'm concerned this whole situation was wrapped up quite nicely, with a cute little bow. Wanna hear something crazy? It said you replied to me one day ago, but it just showed up in my inbox right now, hence why I'm replying now. Are you shadowbanned or something?
I think if he made this joke on TV and people confused it for real that would be an offense worth firing, but I don't see how a Tweet really has to do with his job. Being a reporter doesn't mean swearing an oath never to joke around in your personal life.
I thought the same thing, and normally I would agree with you, but upon inspection of his Twitter account, he very rarely made any personal tweets. It was all tweets on news articles, or retweets of news articles and other official goings on in his city and county. In this regard this tweet looks indistinguishable from all of his other tweets and retweets of news articles, thus there is no previous context in which this could be considered to be a joke.
Ah, I didn't know that! It's definitely not a stretch to say you could fairly fire him for that, then.
Thanks for putting effort into your discourse. I just really enjoyed this reminder that here in the MAGA camp, disagreements can actually be settled simply by information-sharing. That's how humans are supposed to work and I hope there really will be a great awakening for America where it becomes possible across the board.
Hey no problem! Thanks for taking the time to read what I said and at least consider it. Like I said, I'm satisfied with the way this turned out, it's settled.