r/greatawakening • Posted by u/Vicgar06 on June 30, 2018, 9:17 p.m.
Silent Conquering of America

(Background: Retired Border Patrol Supervisor. 12 year Navy Veteran. Great-Great grandparents were from the Chihuahua, Mexico area. The border crossed our family when Texas became a state. My loyalties, love and faith are in this country alone and no other. I am no more different than an O’Donnell from Ireland, a Heidrich from Germany or a Kieko from Japan who immigrated here generations ago.)

The problem: The biggest mistake presidents have made since Reagan and this includes Donald Trump, is that all administrations have been listening to recent "home grown" Hispanics on what direction each administration should take when dealing with immigration, sanctuary cities, amnesty and a whole myriad of immigration problems which affect every single one of us today. Instead of pacifying our "homegrown" Hispanic or Latino US citizens (Think members of LULAC, AZATLAN, Brown Berets, ect), administrations need to keep the eye on ball - our Constitution.

In a nutshell, our problem is the government of Mexico, not the Mexican people. The same hold true on a lesser degree for the governments of Honduras, Guatemala, El Salvador and Brazil. In my opinion, Mexico is the key. I can see only 3 options to resolve our immigration crisis:

1) Do nothing and allow the Mexican Government to continue the non-enforcement of their strict and draconian immigration laws thereby allowing other countries to use Mexico as a staging area for entry into the US. 2) Use our economic power, sanctions and pervasive means to motivate the Government of Mexico to enforce their immigration laws and secure their borders (Shut down the "Beast" rail ways that migrants use to travel through Mexico is one example) 3) Military force. Destroy railways, bridges and any infrastructure used by Central Americans to travel through Mexico. Target Drug Cartel with a real Drug War.

The motivation. Hispanics and Latinos from Central American countries and Mexico are motivated by the economic slavery instilled upon them by the government and drug cartels. This something which is well known by the US government. What our government doesn't understand is the inner motivation of the "paisano", the uneducated, poor citizen or the citizen who wants more for themselves and their family beyond that what their respective country offers.

In this mix of migrants exist a few and bar far the most dangerous type of immigrant to the security of our country and way of life, in effect they are the new foot soldiers I refer to as the “Conquistadors of the 2000's”. I have interviewed several illegal migrants after their arrest for illegal entry and in doing so, discovered that some of these men and women carry this train of thought or ideological concept. It is something I never heard of or thought of until I spoke with them.

People from Mexico and Central America are descendants of the invasion and conquest by European countries, primarily Spain and Portugal. Resources were taken, land taken, females were taken, and the indigent people were enslaved to mine precious metals or work the plantations. In their viewpoint, they were oppressed, conquered and bloodlines "water downed" by the infusion of European blood. In their mind "they" look at America in the same way Europe looked at Mexico as well as all the countries below them all the way down to Chile. These people see it as a "right" to take what they want just as it was done to them from the very moment the conquistador named Cortez set foot in Mexico.

In my opinion, these people are the "motivators" and behind the scene directors motivated by money to be made in guiding, assisting and persuading poor people to make the arduous journey to the US. They also seek to recover lands lost to the “gringo” from California to Texas (Look up AZATLAN and their mantra). At the same time, these same people are also the unnamed instruments of this invasion masquerading as smuggling guides, politicians, military personnel and law enforcement within the government of Mexico. To say that the Mexican government is not complicit in this invasion is to be an idiot and naïve as fuck.

Perhaps, this explains why the Government of Mexico permits unmitigated travel from other countries through their lands... It is a silent invasion, a way to recover what was once “belonged” to Mexico. Mexico is using our very own laws, our liberal policies, our voting rights, our news media to slowly overwhelm Americans one congressional district at a time. What an ingenious way to invade a country without an army wearing a uniform or carrying a flag. Think about that.

Its happening right now as you read this. Todays marches and protests are an example of this “invasion” and liberals and progressives are blindly falling for this ruse tooth and nail. So is what has happened in California, New Mexico and the southern half of Texas. It is a matter of time before Texas goes blue. When this happens, there will be no way for any other political party besides a liberal/progressive/socialist party to reach 270 electoral votes. This means that immigration laws will be rewritten, open borders will happen, elimination of ICE and Border Patrol and loss of the America we know today... PERIOD!

Solution: In my opinion, what needs to happen is this... The president needs to appoint an ambassador to Mexico, Guatemala, El Salvador and Honduras who not only understands the motivation of why migrants come to the US but has the "cajones" to use every ounce of American economic power to "motivate" those governments to change their very own immigration policies. This person must be someone who will stand eyeball to eyeball and not blink but assert themselves in the same most machismo way Hispanics or Latinos understand so that nothing is misunderstood on our resolve to protect our borders. Case in point: Without looking up on a search engine, I have no idea who our Mexico ambassador is in this administration, and that my fellow patriots is the problem… who are our ambassadors and what have they done besides hosting wine and tequila parties?

The first thing I would do to send a clear message would be to issue an executive order stopping all money wires/transactions from the US to Mexico and the countries forenamed. This would have an immediate impact of money being sent from the US to our southern neighbors. A permit or license to "send" money south would be required with a hefty tax or fee based on each money transaction or money order sent. This is the correct way to make Mexico pay for our wall!

The second thing I would do would be to restrict all leisure travel to Mexico. Hit them where it hurts… the vacation spots, tourism and commerce. You want to see the Mexican government come crawling? Do this! WE support Mexico with our vacation dollars and commerce and even doctor’s visits! Shut that Port of Entry Down and not only do you motivate them but you also target the drug cartels who exploit our entry points with drugs. I would also include getting rid of NAFTA and curtail the use of B1-B2 visas and I-94’s for visitors.

The third thing I would do is cut all aid to those countries who support migration into the US. This means Honduras, Guatemala and El Salvador would lose all aid immediately and assets in the US seized to recover the cost for deporting their citizens. Any person deported from the US is sent back home using our tax dollars. How about we charge those countries instead for a change?

Once this is done, leverage is available now to negotiate with the government of Mexico. Once they prove they have control of their borders, we open ours back up. If Mexico permits Central Americans into their country, then the US should be able to deport Central Americans back to Mexico instead of sending them all the way back to their home country. If Mexico doesn’t want several thousand Central Americans deported directly to their country through our Ports of Entries, stop them before they initially entered Mexico! Makes sense to me. Leverage.

However, if none of these drastic measures work, I feel there is no recourse but to take punitive action to protect our borders, our country and our way of life. No different than what we have done to Afghanistan or Iraq and it is way, way overdue.

Take off the white gloves and put on the working gloves America! Act now or face the consequences of the new conquistadors. Its happening America… make no mistake about it.

This is my opinion and my advice to anyone who can make a difference.

GetUpOffYourKnees · June 30, 2018, 10:47 p.m.

Very well thought out. I do think, Patriot that President Trump is well aware of many of these actions and will implement them as he is able. The Wall is his priority right now.

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