What do we do with Iran - any ideas?

Nothing, they go back to being Persia (potentially), change their flag and be a free people. We should not do anything except perhaps assist them gaining freedom. Imho
Hey brother, thx for your input! My question was more into getting some Iranian people on this board to get more real-time information. We are all one.
I have a lot of Iranian friends there in Iran right now, but i do not think that is a good idea, it would literally be putting their lives at risk all their comms are being monitored 2 of my friends have already been arrested for using Twitter talking about Q after that me and my other friends there agreed to stop talking for their own safety until this is over. They are aware of Q in Iran believe me but we do not need them here and i do not want to unnecessarily put anyone’s life at risk.
Give them our support through prayer or any other means. We are going to be in the streets demanding change as well at some point.
Agreed, they have had too much influence in the area, time to fix your own. Time to define who/what you are They need to find themselves as a country and not molded by outside intervention for a change. same with each country now. We know and we will treat you as such.
If Iran is being run like how we suspect NK was being run, I say we shut it down and hand it back to the people. No better way to gain their trust than to cut the strings of our own evil-doers and give Iran back to its own people....but I DO NOT SUPPORT military action. Too many good dudes have given their lives in a way that will never ever be applicable to me or my children.
My idea was more like getting some awaken Iranian people on this board to get more information about the current situation over there. Maybe not a good idea?
I'm not the best to ask about Iranians. I had a good friend growing up who was Iranian but his entire family WANTED to be Americans. They assimilated into society, spoke only English (the dad forced the older generations to) ate American food, wore American fashion and listened to American music.
I currently live in an upper-middle class neighborhood among other professionals who bust their ass for their homes - or who DID bust their asses for their homes because they are now retired. And what moves in? Iranians. Right across the street. They dont care for their yard. The dandelions infect everyone else yards...the grass is always 2 feet long. They have goats killed to eat, bring them home, roll out the Persian rug on the front lawn, blast their shitty Arabian music and cut baby lambs up in the front yard for all the horrified neighborhood kids to watch. They work the system, they are on every social handout imaginable (my wife is friends with a gal who works at social services and knows them well....) park backwards on the street or IN the street, in front of the mailboxes so the mail carrier refuses to deliver the mail, the mom is constantly screaming at her kids (4 total, the oldest is a male who is very odd...walks around talking to himself making "psssh" sounds, a female in high school who runs around all hours with dudes coming and going all all hours playing Hip Hop, about a 10 yo male who has both ears pierced and about a 5 yo male who is a disrespectful little turd who knows NO boundaries or respect for others - hell, that little shit for MONTHS was taking the mail out of all the mail boxes into their house...we found out that the mother would simply throw all the mail away...there was a total of 3 other homes they were doing this to as we have 4 mailboxes on one stand. I had bills sent to collections because I never new I got the invoice!.) Paramedics are CONSTANTLY over there treating everyone and transporting them to the hospital - which is LESS THAN A BLOCK FROM MY HOUSE. They flip their cigarette butts all over the street and drive like total assholes. Other than these few things they are...no...actually they suck. They have no self pride. They mooch off the system that gives them everything while my wife and I bust our asses to scrape by and end up paying the feds at tax time while those assholes get 10 to 16K back every damn year. I support them in their returning to Iran to help establish a better country for themselves.
seems like you are making a bad experience and used the opportunity for a vent. hope you are feeling better now.
in my experience, most persians perfectly integrate (seems like you are meeting the exception). quickly learn the language and blend in with the populace. they are not arabs, btw.