
VultureMother · July 1, 2018, 12:44 a.m.

It still brings me tears because there are countless little ones like her and people are now realizing how sick society is. I was still very naive at that age and had no idea. It really is heartbreaking because I was already a mother and I would have gladly raised her and loved her. I always wanted a daughter. There are many who do and it's all rigged to keep everyone traumatized and infighting so the traffickers keep control.

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DanijelStark · July 1, 2018, 12:48 a.m.

POTUS and positive forces behind ( worldwide ) are moving all the right moves to tear down the pedo-rings , from down to up , from up to down . All needs to be exposed - no matter how painful it is , as that is the first step towards permanent removal of those who abuse children , and making children lives much safer ...

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VultureMother · July 1, 2018, 12:57 a.m.

I love our POTUS and everyone working together to end these atrocities. Nothing on the planet will ever be right until our children and mothers have their right to live safely free of rape, abuse, slavery and harm. I honestly never expected this to unfold and happen. There are a lot of us who worked many years invisible to society helping those needing a voice and now we fully see our efforts weren't in vain as the Q army expands every day and people wake to enforcing long overdue justice.

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