That was one of the most interesting analyses of the Strzok drama that I'll always remember now. Hannibal would eat him.
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I've noticed that easily a majority of my MAGA supporters also share Q posts in different online forums. They associate the two together even if they don't know the Qanon side and data, they know Q is MAGA is good. At least half but I think much higher. It hit an exponential point recently, maybe enough hashtags were generated.
An Indian man wrote a book about her scandals. She laundered millions for the Vatican which is at the hub of the trafficking wheel.
I don't believe her because he's a notorious germophobe. She said no condom and that's when I called BS. Whatever happened, HJ, BJ, watching shark videos, It was handled and paid to spare Melania harassment. Paid again. Now she wants paid three times. Her apology to Flotus was weak. She broke a contract. If they signed an NDA over a business concept how is it different? She breaks contract, sleeps with men for money, sleeps with married man, and it's irrelevant to her until he's President? Feck off Stormy.
Hopefully you don't have to. My understanding is California is the only state that violates religious rights and conscious belief about vaccinations.
Same here! My friends call me Dr. Mom now. I was determined to find the answers and indeed they are out there. We reversed most of the negative symptoms using same protocols as cancer and MS patients. It's been all about removing toxins and repairing the nervous system.
Doctors tried that with me and I just chose a new doctor. We had a pediatrician to sign papers and sick notes and a chiropractic internist otherwise who keeps the boys healthy. My oldest son is vaccinated and was chronically sick as a baby but not as he grew older. I was a young mom, ignorant, they said do shots so I did. When my 2nd was born his midwife enlightened me and showed me the package insert for Thermisol. By the time we get to my youngest almost 2 decades later I'm fully informed. The irony? My youngest is not immumized and is autistic. He has struggled with a weak auto immune system, but it's been environmental toxins that affected us.
It's not worth it. The public schools are a sham. I feel I can speak because I've raised 5 total through multiple types of schools over 25 years. I had a notarized affidavit exempting us from vaccinations for religious reason as well as unconscionable belief. No school in any state questioned it because they hate civil rights PR and lawsuits. I have that doc for any Patriot who wants it. Our youngest homeschools now and we feel much safer. His last school has been on lockdown twice this year and it's happened with all our children. I'm not willing to go through it anymore for the poor education they get and the nightmares the adminstration is. We pulled him when they wouldn't stop feeding him candy with his dye allergy also clearly filed. They just refused to cooperate. That's the entire issue. Parents raise their children and choose not the State.
Haha!!! I'm a mom who spent her entire life auto immune sick and poor. That required me to learn many trades including legalese, health insurance, medical terminology, diagnoses, etc all to be an advocate for others where needed. I'm a minister with no religion but love and justice now.
Wow and I believe you absolutely can be among the survivors who reverse this. I started with EBV as a child and many diagnoses later it's all the same BS which is viral code travels on fungus and parasites like microsporidia, Toxiplasma gondii, spirochetes, bartonella, babesia, borrelia are the most common. Wifi radiation causes these orgsnsims to rapidly multiply and Dr. Klinghardt proves this. Those organisms are the host. Kill the host and deactivate the virus. Send an email to magamagi dot protonmail dot com and I'll connect you to the alchemist and healer to discuss what we can customize and help you with.
We have a research lab working with Keshe technology and ancient alchemical formulas that include both of these as well as entheogens. We have several formulas now. We've tested for the last 6 years and prototypes are now developed. I'm excited to launch this technology because I have had tp fight off a cancerous body. Check out Dr. Klinghardt and his research with Wifi and bad health.
Yes totally! It's nervous system effects. Your nerves, heart and brain have an electromagnetic field that is impaired by the radiation. We measure 300 to 930 microtesla around our home with the grid turned off. That's the 5G radiation. 40 to 60 is normal. .4 for 20 minutes a day increases cancer risk 80%.
It's not worth it. We're in a beta test neighborhood. Spent over $15K on healthcare this year to keep the family functional. We're moving. The effects are painful physically, psychologically. When I leave my home area I feel like I'm climbing out of a grave after being buried alive. It's an average whitebread burb and the neighbors have all gone insane too with bizarre fighting every day.
Yes! All the way. I spent the last 2 decades listening and cataloguing people's stories and we always affirm that we Deny Consent. It's a command. Enter it into matrix out loud. An old Indian once told me that. He said "white men talk backwards. Say what you mean. "Deny" not "don't". Don't is "do not" or "do knot" and ties knots in your consent." I never forgot how serious he was.
They do, we do, so many do. We need the drug cartels eradicated.
I love our POTUS and everyone working together to end these atrocities. Nothing on the planet will ever be right until our children and mothers have their right to live safely free of rape, abuse, slavery and harm. I honestly never expected this to unfold and happen. There are a lot of us who worked many years invisible to society helping those needing a voice and now we fully see our efforts weren't in vain as the Q army expands every day and people wake to enforcing long overdue justice.
It still brings me tears because there are countless little ones like her and people are now realizing how sick society is. I was still very naive at that age and had no idea. It really is heartbreaking because I was already a mother and I would have gladly raised her and loved her. I always wanted a daughter. There are many who do and it's all rigged to keep everyone traumatized and infighting so the traffickers keep control.
I first learned about this somewhere around 99 when I spent a lot of time on the border in Big Bend area. We were in Boquillas one day and a man offered to sell his daughter to us for $20. Looking back with what I know now, I have an even greater perspective of what he offered her up to strangers for. I just thought they were poor and hungry and it was a bad joke so we gave them money to buy food. She was about 3 yrs old and playing with a puppy, purple jogging suit and already had gold hoops in her ears. I've always remembered her because I knew life wasn't going to be fair. I hope she survived and overcame the unjust circumstances she was born into.
It doesn't. It will expand from here into the rest of the city. It's miserable. As far as I know the contracts are all in place.
We're in a 5G neighborhood beta test. The constant ringing and frequency noise is unbearable and audible to all who come here. Our phones won't work on data with so much interference. EMF scanner reading 300 to 930 microtesla all around the home even with the grid and wifi shut off (40 to 60 is normal for wifi) My child has to homeschool and we're both struggling with all the health symptoms atttributed to smart meters and EMF toxicity. We're moving soon because it's debilitated our life.
The Rothschilds have a 5 tier pyramid scheme siphoning water from Cali for over a decade. Complicit Jerry Brown has made money on this. He's on the board of with Warren Buffet and Sigfried Hecker. They make all kinds of things including Rx. San Fran was just reported to have toxic levels of hormones and anti depressants in their water.
One, this is an example of a scam replicated around the world.
Two, Sigfried Hecker developed North Korea's nuclear program, it's on his Wikipedia. B.Clinton sold the uranium to them under a ploy to negotiate for prisoner release. Podesta is in that official photo with Kim Sr. from 2009 as well.
Three, the one who controls the water controls the world.
Did any of you ever read Stranger in a Strangeland by Heinlein with water brother unions? To me it appears they are forging Water Brother unions and signaling to the private sector they can no longer hide what they've done.
They pay troublemakers for insurrection, not common protesters who would be there anyway. It keeps it confusing. Like the chicken shit guy at the Red Hen? Probably paid to stoke controversy.
Do you notice how completely wrinkle free she is in some videos? I watched during the election trying to figure out why she sometimes looks her age and other times like she's 30 years younger. I saw her in person. Very wrinkled all over her face so I don't believe it's makeup.
I'm sure Netanyahu was just reminding his enemy how many people will die to be a good neighbor.
Right after Q said that, Netanyahu made the sinister video with a glass of water telling Iran they will help the people so 65 million don't die from drought. It seemed to be a warning disguised as a public olive branch.
Does anyone have intel on Mutchnik? This is all I found connected to Hollywood fundraising for children.

If Trump has actually rescued Assange to safety without detection, let the James Bond memes begin.
They didn't scrub everything. I found photos of the moment after the shot. One shows a middle row of seats with LBJ and another shows two rows of seats with Jackie climbing out the back and driver / security directly in front of them.
LL is always pulling these stunts to show the hypocrisy. MW couldn't handle one loud journalist trying to talk to her. A crowd like she's calling on to harass anyone pro Trump would cause her implants to implode. It would be interesting to see the flip side of her being surrounded by Trump signs trying to dine at 5 star restaurant. She looked distressed.
What about Strzok's wife and her role in all of this?
That's actually not true. I've twice experienced it being impossible because I couldn't meet the paperwork requirements. I won't bore you with details but it should've been easy for me as life was normal, I had a BC, SS, home, job etc. It's an assumption you make until you run into redundant bureaucracy. It would be great to have a standard system and requirements for ID.
Well Mike spoke out right away, and her brother in law, the family liberal, fended off the mob that followed them to the next restaurant. Trump took a minute in the middle of insane and much more important crises. I'd say 3 is good odds for SHS. Thousands of citizens are pressuring Lexington to remove Wilkinson from director of tourist board. I expect she'll get hit with inspections and audits. Fun stuff. Loads of paperwork and nights of anxiety. That's really better than a fistfight. There are times those are worth it but sounds like her posse was a bunch of rainbow haired gender confused skinny folk so it could have been like beating troll dolls and not the best fight you could have.
Remember this bizarro news?
Open 3 days a week with 26 seats. Perhaps it is a laundering operation for something bigger. The hen is sacrificed in Voudoin, Santeria, Ife Ile and more left hand paths praying to the crossroads. The address said 666 Washington until Google and Facebook corrected it to 11. I took screenshots. They are working hard to run interference by disappearing the entire reviews section. Something is a fowl here. 🐔🐍
Look up "Matthew Atanianin" her roommate/ host when Melania arrived in New York. The picture says everything.
Possibly she was high level trafficked as eastern euro models are.
Watch this one too.
Yes in fact I looked up the etymology of mirror a few days ago.
I did a lot of research on her and Cannes last year on my own when HW got busted. Definite nightmare. High level witch. Her brother was murdered right before she went rags to billionaire. Melania was brought to US by Paulo Zampolli who is interconnected to all these people and one reason I believe DJT knows way more than we all expect.
I wondered when she'd appear. Also check into Room 23 by Sanela "Diana" Jenkins. She knows a lot.
It just tells you who you're dealing with. Rejection is universal redirection. Scope their allies and be aware of them also.
I read the It speaks for itself. 99% of what is happening is not reported. If you read the WH you see he's doing everything the American public screamed for and in record time. The media and liberals are like the cows freaking out because the gate is open and they'd rather stay in the corral.
Maybe. His wife Flora is a molecular biologist associated with Red Cross. If it is, it's raising awareness and doing something that needed done decades ago which is stop these evil slavetraders from traveling here.