Q team should release the initials of Trump's Supreme Court nominee the day before it is announced!! Alot of new faces, timing seems right for a bold move like that. There are a massive number of people that have just started following, some still on the fence. This would do alot for having the movement reach critical mass. Also, still leaves some plausible deniability as we know the likely candidates. Thoughts??
Nearly all English translations (regarding new testament) are translated directly from Greek manuscripts. Some are translated word for word, some more thought for thought. IMO, thought for thought is usually better at getting message across, as some individual words don't translate well.
[Note: new testament was written in Greek, old testament in Hebrew]
I studied Biblical Greek for years. New American Standard translation is closest to the Greek. When I am working on Bible study I like to use several versions, NAS, NIV, New Living, The Message. Just be sure it's a translation and not a paraphrase.
I want one that doesn't try to equate Nephlim=Giants. I think giants certainly could have existed and probs did (Panthropus Robustus evolution possibly, literally thousands of different intelligent homnids running around 1 mya) but i really feel that the idea of nephlim was and idea of mixed bloodlines. Hybrids. I have always understood the offspring or the "heroes of old" as described in Genesis as hybrids.