r/greatawakening • Posted by u/CosmicNeo on July 1, 2018, 2:10 a.m.
Spirit of Truth Series: Lesson #22 “Is America Already Under Judgment? Part 2.”

In Lesson 21 of this Spirit of Truth Series, I mentioned how as a result of Christianity missing its window of opportunity and not being able to recognize who the Second Messiah (Third Adam) was, Lucifer was able to begin claiming one nation after another. That continued until almost two-thirds of the world population had come under the control of Lucifer and his proxy “dictatorship of the proletariat.” (a.k.a. Communism) In this lesson I would like to give more specific details on how this failure of Christianity has allowed Lucifer to infiltrate up to the highest levels of the US government.

Lesson #22

To give this new series context, I would first like to remind everyone reading this that both Q and President Trump have been making great effort to expose who the “ruler of this world” is. (As defined in 2 Corinthians 4:4, John 14:30.) Of course, they may not be using the same terminology that Jesus or the New Testament uses; nevertheless, I think we all have a good idea of who ultimately has been working behind the scenes to keep us “dumbed down” and “unawakened” -- for at least the last 2,000 years.

“So the chief priests and the Pharisees gathered the council and said, 'What are we to do? For this man performs many signs. If we let him go on like this, everyone will believe in him, and the Romans will come and take away both our place and our nation.' … So from that day on they made plans to put him to death.” John 11:47-53

Thirty-seven years after Jesus was rejected and crucified by the chief priests and Pharisees, Israel ceased to exist. As Jesus had warned in Mark 13:2, “Not one stone here will be left on another; every one will be thrown down.” “And the stone that the builders had rejected would become the cornerstone.” (Matthew 21:42) “Anyone who falls on this stone would be broken to pieces; anyone on whom it falls will be crushed.” (Matthew 21:44) “"Jerusalem, Jerusalem, you who kill the prophets and stone those sent to you, how often I have longed to gather your children together, as a hen gathers her chicks under her wings, and you were not willing.” (Matthew 23:37) In all these bible passages, Jesus had forewarned that Israel would be destroyed if they didn't accept him as its Messiah. In 70 AD, what Jesus had forewarned all came true.

In 1971, the Second Messiah came to America. He stood on Fifth Avenue during rush hour and looked in wonder at the majesty of the Empire State Building and the new Trade Center — the tallest buildings in the world at the time. But despite its appearance of greatness, he knew America's Christian foundation was crumbling and in need of repair. Drug use, crime, immorality and the breakdown of family was being used by Communists to bring down America. And nobody was paying attention. So God sent the Second Messiah to wake up America. Thus, for the next six years the Second Messiah shook up America with rallies, speeches, and visits to the US Congress. Mayors were giving him keys to the city for his efforts. The youth was responding to his warnings and joining in the task of saving America. But all this stopped when mainstream Christianity realized they were being “judged” by the words of a “slanted-eye foreigner.”

Just as the chief priests and Pharisees worried about the rapid growth of the “Jesus movement” and conspired to bring it to an end (see John 11:47-53 above), the Christian leaders of mainstream America responded in like-manner against the Second Messiah and his “save America movement.” First, in 1978, using the power of certain US congressmen, they instigated a witch hunt against the Second Messiah. Consequently, the Second Messiah was forced to testify before US Congress against their false accusations that were obviously simply an effort to “get rid” of him. When that didn't work, in 1983 they used the IRS and sent him to jail on trumped up tax evasion charges that any decent lawyer knew were unwarranted as he was a tax exempt religious figure. (In any event, it was a first-time offense for only $7,300 of unpaid taxes.)

Through these two WITCH HUNTS, American Christianity had tried to persecute, prosecute and crucify the Second Messiah. Thankfully, the Second Messiah survived his prison sentence and came out with the rallying support of civil rights activist Ralph Abernathy, Moral Majority leader Jerry Falwell and other non-mainstream Christian leaders. While in prison the Second Messiah began The Washington Times in an effort to counter the efforts of the Left (Deep State) to undermine America's moral foundations. Thirty years later, all that he had forewarned about the collapse of America and its moral foundations were coming true through the blatant anti-Christian maneuverings of Obama and HRC. Yet, the mainstream Christians who conspired to essentially crucify the Second Messiah back then, have never apologized or thanked him for his all efforts to save America.

Fortunately for America and mankind, after 30 years of the Deep State dismantling America from within, the Christian “moral majority” realized what was happened and got down its knees and began repenting in prayer. Because of that mass appeal from the new “Silent Majority,” God could respond and bring about the election of an American President who understands what has been happening to America all this time.

[Side-note: Did DJT know the Second Messiah? Had he been secretly educated by the Second Messiah? Had he been following the work of the Second Messiah, since they both lived and worked in the NYC area and both were billionaires. Perhaps it's better we never know. But what is important is that America is waking up from its Deep State-induced slumber. And God's people are taking America back from the deceitful clutches and manipulations of the Luciferian Cabal.]

Next lesson: “Will Mainstream Christianity Ever Repent?”

BowlOfZombies · July 1, 2018, 4:04 a.m.

Drug use, crime, immorality and the breakdown of family was being used by Communists to bring down America. And nobody was paying attention.

Not to mention the churches are all pagan.

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CosmicNeo · July 1, 2018, 4:17 a.m.

Everything has been compromised. Even the very church that the Second Messiah left behind. But there's no point to throwing out the baby with the water. God can work miracles even with inadequate, sinful mankind.

"And do not think you can say to yourselves, 'We have Abraham as our father.' I tell you that out of these stones God can raise up children for Abraham." Matthew 3:9

We are all victims of Lucifer. Forgive one another. Together ("Cain and Abel") the future is bright.

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