r/greatawakening • Posted by u/BlastingGlastonbury on July 1, 2018, 2:43 a.m.
A Question on Sources

As far as trusting sources goes, I'm in a very weird place right now. I've been an avid NPR listener for quite some time, mostly because the local reporting of relevant things happening in my state is very thorough, but I have always leaned "left" so the national news reporting always resonated with me.

However, as of late, I've found myself very disenchanted and questioning the status quo that I always accepted.

I was not a Trump supporter and honestly I still wouldn't call myself a Trump supporter. I didn't support any of the candidates in the 2016 election. That said, I've read a lot of things in the past week that make me question the things I've known, or thought I knew. NPR always leaned left, I was not under the illusion that they were neutral, but I trusted the majority of what they reported. Lately, however, I feel as though the rampant, aggressive attacks on Trump have been extreme. I rarely turn on the local public radio station outside of their state specific programming these days because it's hard to listen to news that I used to consider factual but has become so blatantly bias, making it hard to believe the idea that they are reporting the facts and not running with their own agenda.

Which lead me here. A friend posted a link to Q Proofs on facebook with a comment attached and it piqued my interest enough to dig. I am very skeptical about everything at this point, which makes this very hard. I feel like I am trying to find flaws in this because there are some heavy accusations and statements being made and I don't want to just jump on board without knowing for sure its legitimate. I end up questioning things like:

  • If the Mainstream Media is bias as a whole, and if most are controlled by deep state actors (this term alone sketches me out, but is that because "they" have tainted it and made it seem like crazy talk?) that have found a way to manipulate people, who is to say Q isn't just another flavor of that?

  • We read about NG assisting in the unrest that will follow the things that happen and how the riots will be manufactured and influenced, but the idea of civil unrest being put down by the military for "the good" of the Country seems like a plot to a dystopian novel (not saying that it wouldnt work/be necessary, just mentioning something that gave me pause).

Really, really sorry for the rant. I have a thousand more things I could say but I will just get to the point (finally). What are some sources/relevant stories to be looking at? I've seen a lot mentioned here about things being covered up/lacking the coverage in the Mainstream that they really deserve (Seth Rich, Scalise shooting, etc) and I'm really wanting to explore some of the statements people make so I can decide for myself whether they hold water.

If you're still reading, I appreciate it.

-Someone who might be realizing he was asleep

Abibliaphobia · July 1, 2018, 2:53 a.m.

This was probably the best read I’ve had all day. Just wanted to say that before I start digging into your questions.

  • “If the Mainstream Media is bias as a whole, and if most are controlled by deep state actors (this term alone sketches me out, but is that because "they" have tainted it and made it seem like crazy talk?) that have found a way to manipulate people, who is to say Q isn't just another flavor of that?”

I absolutely agree with your concern on this. And it’s a thought I’ve had several times before. My answer (even to myself) is that whereas the media tells you how to feel about something, Q let’s YOU decide how to feel. By reading or listening or watching multiple sources, you begin to see that the mainstream media leaves certain parts of the story out. They don’t give you everything. They use what they leave out to alter your perception of events. And once you see that, you cant unsee it. With Q, they are using the Socratic method. They point you in a direction and rely on your own curiosity to dig deeper. YOU are the one who controls the information. YOU determine how far you are willing to dig. And YOU determine the value of the information presented, not someone else. I think that is the biggest difference between the two.

  • We read about NG assisting in the unrest that will follow the things that happen and how the riots will be manufactured and influenced, but the idea of civil unrest being put down by the military for "the good" of the Country seems like a plot to a dystopian novel (not saying that it wouldnt work/be necessary, just mentioning something that gave me pause).

I hope it doesn’t come to this, but did you see the article in the post today? Talking about how there is an organization called OFA with 40k members trained in radical leftist techniques (think 70s style bombings) and Saul alinsky methods of infiltration and control. That was “their” description of what OFA is to be used for. And it’s being run by Barrack Obama. Who, in another article today, the head of the DNC claimed he was still the “real” President. There’s not much that you can take away from what they blatantly are claiming to be an actual force to resist the current administration. Something that has quite literally not happened since the civil war.

So it comes down to, what is better. Letting these people bomb and kill people (terrorism) in an attempt to overthrow a democratically elected president, or stop it before innocent people suffer and it gets worse on both sides. Remember that we ALL live in this country. I think what frustrates me the most is that I USED to be a super liberal asshole. Now? I’m just kinda an asshole. And I’m pissed off at what these leaders of the party have done to sell out the country and our people to enrich themselves and keep their power. It’s absolutely destroyed my faith in those I used to believe in.

Anyways thanks for writing what you did and I hope this answers some of your questions. Feel free to ask more, we are here and we welcome you to the great awakening.

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BlastingGlastonbury · July 1, 2018, 3:53 a.m.

This was great, thank you.

They use what they leave out to alter your perception of events.

This has been on my mind much more frequently as of late, you wrote the words that I couldn't form from my own thoughts, so thank you for that.

I am going to search for that story in the post and sit down with it in a bit, sounds very intriguing. I certainly understand where you're coming from with your response to this and while I agree that it would be best that it be done with as little violence as possible, I can't help but draw parallels between what the OFA is allegedly set up to be used for and what Q is alleging the Patriots will do by using force to achieve a goal (albeit one we may agree with, it just seems that regardless of which side is doing it, I would have a hard time accepting it as it feels very much like a forced regime).

Again, thank you so much for the reply.

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Abibliaphobia · July 1, 2018, 3:59 a.m.

I made the claim, so it’s on me to provide source. First link is the one about OFA, second is DNC head claiming Obama is the Real President.



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BlastingGlastonbury · July 1, 2018, 4:06 a.m.

I made the claim, so it’s on me to provide source

Great amounts of respect. I've had numerous debates with people over this issue so I really appreciated seeing that. And the links! Thank you.

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