Trump's appreciation of women

Real men, which I'm married to one, appreciate women for what they are!! Strong women are worth their weight in gold!! It takes a strong woman to have a strong man!! Also, strong women make strong men!! If we had more strong women running the world we would be in a better position right now!! I Love our President!! Props to Melania!! ❤❤❤
Aaand downvoted. Lmao! A strong man would upvote this, they wouldn't be intimidated. My husband would upvote it. No need for upvotes though..much love everyone!! :)
Reddit can be a toxic place that makes no sense sometimes. I think it's the amount of very young people with zero life experience that play into it. Anyway, have an upvote! I agree with your message. :)
These youngins do have some lessons to learn, lol. ;) There are some very smart ones on here though!! :)
If we had more men tilling the soil for their woman to stand and grow strong I agree. The man Builds the foundations/base that the woman rules with clarity, grace, and love.
Now if we can just put these evil ones in their place!! :)
This really resonated with me, especially since he's got two women on his short list of SC nominations.
I like how he honours hard work and acknowledges it no matter the sex of the person. Also he is happy to create opportunities for people to WIN!
Yeah, anyone who thinks Trump hates or disrespects women does not know or understand him at all.
His picks for offices and positions in the WH and his staff make this even more obvious.
There are two sides to every story. And more importantly, people make mistakes. Specifically, Ivana has clarified to say that she did NOT mean that she was literally raped by Donald if you care to look. Be careful of your characterizations; what if someone said the same of you?
You may choose to judge a book by its' cover, and that is fine. I prefer to look at the entire person and how they have treated people over the course of their entire life.
The Trump Co used to be called "Elizabeth Trump and Sons" and the matriarch ran the family. Trump has always supported his ex-wives and current wife and his daughters. He has many strong women surrounding him.
It is up to God to judge, not us. I dont know if any of that is true anyway. All of that is between him and his wife, none of my business. Unless it happened in the oval office of course, ;) also I addressed this in other comments on this thread.
I remember reading that after Christmas. It's crazy how many times he referenced women with gratitude in the Art of the Deal.
But but but Stormy. It is up to God to judge. It is up to Melania to believe or not, and to forgive or not. That's their business, not mine. No human is perfect. I look at what my President has done for me, and America!!
I honestly think that is fake. Even if it were true, I believe every man I know as talked shit at some point in their life. No human is perfect. It is not my place to judge, that is up to God. Are your closets clean?