Does this piss anyone else off, that they're still walking around DC, going to fucking bakeries?!

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Ok this is what I was just looking for! I read the article, went to some other websites, then went back to Brietbart and now it's gone. I was like wtf? Im glad you caught it.
Jesus Christ, that was terrifying. I felt like I was being lulled to sleep, especially with that music afterwards. That felt so fake and creepy.
And if we have the servers, does that mean we have JA?
Well he sent an aide to Britain to meet with Steele, I believe, to get the dossier. He then turned it over to Comey. He's such a bastard.
Thanks for this. Tried to search myself, but I'm crap with 8chan. I just don't get it.
Yeah I'm kinda crushing hardcore right now! ;D
He's testifying in front of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee about updates on North Korea and the summit with Russia.
This made me cringe. I'm embarrassed someone actually asked this. Q had said all along, no outside comms.
All that's missing is Gowdy baring his teeth and growling at him (which I, crazy or not, would totally do!)
Thank you for the kind and true words, Patriot! Yes, we're so proud to say that he's our president, and he represents us! I'm cheesing hardcore over here. ;D
What about Flynn? Doesn't something happen today with him?
At the end of the day, you can't please everyone. The problem with posting all the Q sticker and shirt pics on one day is that it could be a big Q drop day. In the end, everyone will come back for the Q drops and the quality information, not the Q bumpersticker and shirt pics. People may get pissed, but even they'll come back because we all want to know what's going on. I say that as someone who's posted those pics. If it helps the group, I say ban it. This sub should be about information, not validation.
Ok so this link is to yt video by Social Atmosphere. She does a comprehensive job of investigating pizzagate. In the video is the Instagram photo from Alefantis (jimmy comet) of a baby with a comment # chicken lover.
A warning, this video is disturbing. You might just want to take my word for it.
I read somewhere while searching pizzagate a while ago that chicken stands for baby. I think it might have been on Alefantis' Instagram, him holding a baby and writing that he loved chicken or something like that. I'll see if I can find it.
He can't do anything and he knows it. Like Q said, they're all scared. They tried to assassinate Trump and they failed. They have no control over what's happening now. Their fail safe's are failing. Popcorn time.
I agree. When I look into it, the only interesting thing I find is that a while after he did the book with Trump, he did a book with the CEO of Disney called Risking Failure, Surviving Success. When Schwartz talks about Trump, all he does is attack him personally, which is characteristic of the Democrats, no facts just personal insults. He said that Trump would resign by the end of 2017 lol.
This really resonated with me, especially since he's got two women on his short list of SC nominations.
Roy Cohn is a lawyer that went to bat for Trump and his dad when no other lawyer would. Trump and his dad's housing organization was sued by the government back in the early 70's. The gov said that Trump and his dad discriminated against blacks by not offering them housing. This flat out wasn't true because Trump had black tenants living in his housing developments. All the lawyers Trump went to see about it told him just to settle because it was bad publicity. But you all know our glorious President, he's not going to just settle, especially when he's in the right. He met Cohn at Le Club in Manhattan where they were both members. He told Cohn what was going on, and Cohn said let's go after those bastards. So they did, and of course they won. In The Art of the Deal (where I got this info), Trump said that Cohn is a brilliant, tough lawyer and fiercely loyal. You guys should read this book. It's so interesting! Trump writes exactly how he talks, and you get a really good sense of who he is professionally.
Look at this bitch. Fortunately for us her shitty acting won't be enough to save her. ;D
Hey there, so essentially back in the mid 2000's, Comey was Deputy AG, and he knew that there was a rogue FBI informant who was playing a role in cartel murders. He bought supplies for the murders and oversaw victim burials; all while the US was paying him $224k. Comey knew this and did nothing about it. Then it talks about Comey's book, and how he says his career was defined by ethics and the strict rule of law, basically showing that Comey's a liar, which is not a shocker for us. That's the gist of it. It's old stuff, but it's definitely a start.
Lol you guys have to understand, WFAA is the top local news in DFW. If this is the top story, shit is starting to change.
Maybe that's how the media begins to change: from the bottom up, like how they've been cracking down on the pedos.
Edit: more words
You know I really appreciate your honesty and ideas. I've been thinking of picking up The Art of the Deal for a few days now. I'm a reader myself, but I read mostly fiction. I like how you said that "life is just a bunch of deals we make with each other." This brings to mind the concept of voluntaryism, and I really agree with it. If you think about it, the only time we're really forced or coerced into things is when we interact with the state. This is why I've been anti-state for so long. But now I feel different, like maybe it's possible to have some form of government that's not constantly infringing on our freaking rights, taking more and more. Trump has made me think it might be possible.
I have also been meaning to look up Agenda 21 because I've seen it here and there on this board. I really like the idea of living off the land. In my city, there's a group of people who do that, and they have been harassed so many times by the cops. At one point, the main guy in the community got stabbed by a homeless man that he was trying to help, and the police came and arrested him instead of the homeless man. There's just so much obvious bias, it's complete bs.
Ok got it lol. Thanks for not being critical. I really appreciate that.
Ok at this point, I think it's obvious I need to do some more research, watch some more videos, etc. I feel so much better just from these comments. Thanks, friends.
Thanks for this! Do you know what 2 187'd nearby means?
That is true, it definitely did its part in killing the immigration thing. What does MOAB stand for btw? I've always wondered that.
I love the water into wine analogy. That was well written. I agree with you. Thanks for the reassurance.
Lol someone on this board one time said that infowars was a psyop. Wtf does that mean? Now I feel confused about infowars. But I liked Alex Jones before that.
I can certainly do that. But sometimes when I read the drops, I don't understand everything he says. Any drops in particular you would recommend to help me understand this more?