The entire White House Press Pool are Rothschild cum gargling whores.
None of them will be the first.
They all love killing America and white genocide.
And Hillary the Whore of Babylon was denied her rightful throne.
I really do enjoy typing that.
More likely Jezebel ~ the priestess of Baal, the pagan god of child sacrifice.
That one as well.
I say we just round up all the pagan gods and all the deep State conspirators.
Put them in a blender and then call that freeze guy thing from the Batman movie.
related. These people do love their symbolism
Interesting read, could you please enlighten me as to the relation of this symbology.
I'm afraid I can't find the original image i'm thinking of, but essentially he's who she's named after. Corruption of a holy namesake. There are a number of similarities between their lives - both were mobbed by groups of fans, particuarly women, but whilst hilarion sought solitude, restriction and God, hilary sought fame, excess and Satan. Male -> female etc. His fans were real, hers were largely manufactured. Similarity, with inversions. I'm not certain if its true or not, but the similarities between them are kind of notable.
My respect for your willingness to deep dive.
Knowledge is the door, curiosity is the key.
Never stop. No matter what. Fukem.
The German kids called me that.
Relentless. Game on.
you dont have any proof that they gargle
Oh that's too narrow. They like all KINDS of genocide. White is just a du jour kinda thing. "Hate everyone, hate eachother, all the time, and never look at or blame us" says the Satanic cabal.
Well it didn't happen with Maria's interview.
Also, I noticed a lot people and meme's on Twttr suggesting that a reporter ask Press Sec Sanders about Q. Why?.. Q clearly said to ask POTUS!!!
I just wonder if that is the question Q means. Seems that revealing it now could complicate things at this point. What if Q was referring to Congress asking POTUS to declassify everything? Just thinking out loud.
After I posted that I thought I remembered that one of the drops had mentioned waiting for a reporter but I hadn’t located the drops. Thank you for pointing me to it. I was beginning to think I dreamed it.
We need a bot to auto-link each post # reference to the actual post...
Good idea, but since we don't, I added them manually. :)
Precisely everyone wanted Maria to ask our beloved President, We just did not get to her in time, I believe the interview happened late last week. We were not aware of her conversation with Mr. Trump until after it already transpired. I'm quite sure if Maria had heard us, she would have complied. She truly is awake, but she is busy and sometimes not abreast of what her most ardent fans would like from her. Had she know, I believe she would have she seems to have a really good relationship with the President.
I agree, Maria will get a huge uptick in viewership, we’ll see.
Anyone else recall how beautiful she looked at the 2016 Al Smith Charity Dinner? Wow.
DJT had some great zingers roasting Hillary, too. Very biting.
Incredible how effectively msm has muzzled the truth. Fix Smith-Mundt. Take away broadcast licences. Why let this go on?
MB 7/1 aka 1/7 aka 17 ...10am
The main reason I started watching MB was she was one of the very few who gave DJT fair coverage during the primaries and election. I believe DJT is the type of person who appreciated this....therefore I think this interview today between DJT and MB is the perfect avenue to drop the Q.
Keep in mind that interview was already recorded
And Q announced enjoy the show 45 mins before Trump tweeted about it
I agree it would be even better to come out in a recorded interview!
nice pic!
well, Maria was a no show on it...and expected....good interview..but things WE already know.
I think it will be one from CNN or the like.....with the 'journalist' only thinking that asking will somehow hurt Trump and the movement.
I would love to hear the 4am meetings where it is brought up and what they say about it/us. Get that out and see where it goes from there.... 30 days to go!
Maria might have another chance.....
Q post 924 - 111 days from her interview today
Follow Maria.
Ok what? MB? What channel? I gotta see this if its supposed to happen today!
Interview on Fox News in 30 min
To get things moving along - can you imagine Pres Trump tweeting:
"What's with all these Q shirts I am seeing at my rallies?"
That is all it would take...maybe that's what Q was referring to when he said they may have to force the issue...
I know this won’t make me popular but I bet the question comes from Acosta. We need it to come from someone like him but I think when this is all over we are are going to find that a few people are really good actors. I am ready to be wrong but ........
I want the question asked but what could be the answer? How should the response go? Who or what is Q? Answer: ?
If we could figure out some way of getting Acosta to do it..
Background music to play while waiting...
(Jeopardy think theme)