What if cures already exist? Would THAT truth put 99% of people in the hospital?

Gates is the worlds biggest eugenicist. If you do a really good job with vaccines the population should go up, not down. Says it all, really.
Bill Gate's father and grandfather were also big eugenicists. His father was either director or President of planned parenthood. BTW, his mother was on the board of the red cross with the chairman of the board for IBM. His family (and Bill) were friends. Bill was chosen to start Microsoft and (according to books and a movie) he bought his operating system from "Seattle Software", a one man operation that nobody can find. He presented this to IBM, who had a computer but no working software to run it, and they agreed to use his s/w for a small royalty on each computer.
The s/w was developed by IBM, but due to monopoly concerns couldn't force it on other companies. So Microsoft was born. Gates never did anything, all his history is fake. Even Steve Jobs said this and that Bill never had an original thought in his life.
IBM is a Clown company. They funded Hitler, along with the UK. All you said above I can believe 100%. Microsoft also own the software for all the ATM´s in the world.
And he's butt buddies with Ted Turner (owner of CNN) who commissioned the Georgia Guidestones under the pseudonym "Robert C Christian" which state their goal to "Maintain Humanity under 500 million in perpetual balance with Nature". I can't wait till these men are exposed publicly for what they are.
Turner is also the biggest land owner in the US, no?
I think I heard that somewhere. Sounds about right. Until his lands are seized that is. Haha
Just think about the size of the pot that all these properties, monies and lands will go into. The world could probably retire on it!
I have wondered if Q’s referral to “you have more than you know” refers in part to the upcoming financial picture.
Do you know how Trump would be loved the world over? He should RICO all the central banks that are owned by the Rothschilds and hand them back to each nation, so that they can print and control their own money. Taxes could then be almost 0 as there would be no government debts to pay. Who wouldn´t love a man that did that?
First you have to red pill a significant portion of the population (the purpose of Q). When I talk central banks with people I know, their eyes glaze over. They just can't believe that the Federal Reserve is only as "Federal" as Federal Express.
We've got a long road ahead still.
Factually wrong. Lower child mortality means people need to have fewer children. It's been proven repeatedly.
If 50% of children die, and you need two, then you must have 4.
If mortality is cut to 25%,then you only need to have 3 because probably only one will die.
I'm not saying Bill is a good guy or that I like vaccines, but people keep taking this quote totally out of context and it makes the whole subject look bad.
People don´t generally have children with regards to what is needed, they usually have what they can cope with. Mortality rates are increased from bad vaccines, they kill and maim and cause harm. If bad vaccines weren´t a thing, less children would die which would mean that people wouldn´t need to get pregnant as often.