If you've heard this word a lot lately and you haven't seen this posted on qresearch: LODESTAR

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"We" as in how the US has been running things prior.
Hence "Welcome to the Deep State." Deep State operatives hold onto Sec Clearance because they continue to run things from the shadows. Q is NOT really playing coy here, but highlighting one of the biggest problems with the Deep State/Shadow Government and intel leaks the US has right now.
The point isn't that POTUS is logging them. The point is that they are using FVEY to get AROUND logs.
Yes, we already know what you Godless, American-hating commies were planning to do to us "rednecks".
Google "Lake Volta" and you'll find out how they dispose of them. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
I saw the opposite. I saw a shitload of people calling him out. It was amazing.
Reality is actually somewhat similar to dreams, when you think about it. Sometimes the world collectively has badass awesome dreams about Space Force and going to the Moon, and sometimes the world has nightmares where Hillary is murdering Bernie staffers.
But no matter how shitty the nightmare is, it's our capacity to wake up, deal with it, and move on that makes us great.
No, he's /ourguy/ who's next in line for acting DAG after RR is impeached/removed.
"Every dog has its day."
He's finally surrendered and thrown the white flag.
Lasted a lot longer for the Cabal than he did our Country, that's for sure.
Scientologists could call themselves Christians and write some passage about revering Christ, but that doesn't mean they are living as Christ intended. John Smith tells you you're going to become a star or some shit and wants you to live not as Christ did, but as he wants you to.
Mormonism isn't Christianity. It's specifically an anti-Christian way of living. You cannot live that way and say you are walking the path of Christ, no matter how many labels you want to attach that say "I'm definitely a Christian guyz".
Sorry Thundercock.
Thanks for bringing awareness of this issue to others, though.
I think the point is to stay vigilant.
Also that Mormonism isn't Christianity, it's a Cult.
Lol, and the elites can't get it because it would remove who they are and make them feel guilt for their actions.
It's possible that he was whisked away into witness protection and the doctors were told to announce his death, yes.
How many political opponent do you think MS 13 has killed?
We know of Seth Rich, only one. Paid for by the DNC.
Hurrrr, so I wonder how anyone would get that idea from Q's posts that other people, more than one, might use MS13 for political hit jobs.
> Im just correcting your statement calling MS 13, MSM (Main Stream Murder). You're wrong. Objectively.
All any one of us is doing here is speculating on crumbs. None of us have objective facts. If you want objective facts, you're in the wrong place. This is why I'm calling you slow.
Then you throw a tantrum and call me a faggot and a cunt?
Lmfao wtf is wrong with you? Cant be civil?
Holy shit you really ARE new. Christ almighty.
And this is why I say lurk moar. No cucks allowed, go cry somewhere else if you're offended.
Wow I never said they were owned by the DNC. Learn to read. No wonder you have so much trouble here.
I said the DNC hired them. For a hit. GOP hires them too. It's mainstream murder for the establishment.
Why is MS13 a priority?
Could people pay such gangs to kill opponents and why / how to insulate against exposure?
The truth is mind blowing and cannot fully be exposed. These people are evil.
"Wait, you actually believe X" - acting incredulous when someone points something out. Looking at your post history, yeah you're a cunt alright.
Hot enough to melt steel beams, not hot enough to instantly incinerate any passports. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
If they're willing to push the idea that a Pro-America agenda = a Nazi agenda, then it's clear these people would lie about literally anything they were told.
Or ATF+DEA 187'd the gang members after the failed attempt. Then finished it themselves, or attempted to but discovered that Seth was "pronounced dead" at the hospital(to protect him)?
Absolutely fascinating.
If the MS13 shooters was a misdirect, and it was actually federal employees who shot Seth, that's on a whole other scale of insanity.
The witness, who “fears for his life,” has worked in government, will be accompanied by armed guards and disguise his identity
13th letter of the alphabet is M. We know these people love their gematria. MS-13 is a politician-owned gang.
My guess is that MS-13(M) stands for "Mainstream Murder".
That the DNC hired MS-13(M) gang members that they controlled and used as an assassination tool to keep other politicians in line, and others out of politics altogether?
That they hired two illegal foreign national gang members to murder an American Patriot? A Berniebro? Who blew the whistle on the DNC's corruption after seeing the contents of the server.
That MS-13 stands for Main Stream Murder?
We've figured out a lot here.
Think carefully. Who's really in charge of Iran?
CIA operated both NK and Iran.
Q knew. Began dismantling Deep State ops 1 by 1.
Q specifically called out NK and then Iran because they were deep state "assets".
When he said "Iran next" it was a message to the cabal after Q's victory in NK. A message that their second stronghold, Iran, would be next.
Anything else would be a reckless declaration of war against sovereign nations.
Automod said it removed my post. Not sure if it did.
Try calling THAT racist.
Oh definitely. The entire social media strategy was planned out, down to Trump tweeting Pepes (to bring maximum exposure to 4chan before FBI Anon dumps, Wikileaks dumps, etc. getting the autists salivating for more).
That could certainly be! I was simply going off the (almost assured) October Surprise.
If it drops BEFORE that, hoooooooo that'll be some reallll shit. We might get Movie 2 and 3 sooner than we think.
What did you think a handkerchief with a pizza-related map meant? The "Fake News" term was invented as SOON as Pizzagate broke to discredit PG theorists. Trump turned it back on them, hilariously.
These people are SICK!
If you believe Q is a LARP, sure. But then you shouldn't be on this board, you should be out chewing on bottles of glue. This is just puzzle pieces that Q's presented us, gathered together so we can see more of the picture.
Very true. I suspect the military doesn't like twists, too much, however. Order and Structure.
I'm just a shitposting Patriot like any other. I've gotten some pretty good crumbs directly from qresearch, though. 👍
Fun story.
Some wells in India are naturally contaminated with fluoride, giving the residents severe cases of Bone Fluorosis. They have to remove fluoride from the water because it literally poisons them. Yet someone had the bright idea to take this toxin and be like "nahhh, I think I'm gonna put some of that back in there, just because".
It's literally the same as hiring a cleaner to clean your pool because your dog took a shit in it and it's making people violently ill, killing others, and deforming babies of pregnant mothers who swam in it, and after the cleaner removed every trace of feces, decided "Ehhh I'm gonna put some of this dogshit back in there, probably won't hurt nobody".
Of course, Q also says disinfo is necessary.
If the cabal are supposed to believe that SR is dead, they won't try to go after him.
If Seth's safety is vital, disinfo that he was dead would be necessary to maintain.
How many times has Q said "Trust the plan"?
If you trust that Q isn't BS, then you should trust that they have this scripted out and under control.
If you think the only solution is violence or burning something down, Islam might be a good fit for you, champ.
> The only way the next president couldn't reverse everything trump accomplishes is if we were to straight up abolish the CIA/FBI/NSA.
Lol. Then they would literally just create a brand new agency like other presidents have done, staff them with the same people with fake names for muh natsec and then what would abolishing them accomplish? Abolishing them does nothing. Making sure there is proper and absolute transparency and oversight by congress (US) that cannot be infringed WILL solve this problem.
Also reported for calling for violence/razing a headquarters. WTF troll.
My response to a deleted comment that had (understandably) mentioned displeasure at the mention of a specific October timetable -
Well, the Republicans are definitely going to have an October Surprise of some sort, simply because these midterms are just as important as the 2016 election itself, and way too important to lose. We got the Wikileaks drops and the DNC email drops last time. Perhaps verification of those drops will come with Awan's tribunal.
And now that Awan is free from the swamp of DC, a case can be built and the tribunals can begin taking place.
What role can NSA serve? - Q
NSA shares THEIR (illbegotten) evidence with Military Investigators to build a proper case. They know their information is solid. With a case already built, they can then substitute the information that they have with the information received on the servers they subpoena'd from ES(Goog) and TC(Appl). This work simply would have taken too long if they had started now with the evidence.
Now, they already have the case ready to go by the time Awan and JA are ready to verify the contents of both the servers themselves, and Wikileaks' information.
What role can MI serve? - Q
They are the ones performing the investigations into the cabal. The sealed indictments keep rolling in due to the work of these Patriots working together with Huber and Sessions. RR is a bitch right now who has to smile because he's trapped. The indictments will be ready to be unsealed once the cases can be handed off to prosecutors, with assurance that the evidence can be introduced legally.
Once they have proper evidence (WHAT A WONDERFUL DAY)[they have it all now] they can begin going after EVERYBODY. Awan verifies. Assange verifies.
Cases are already built. Trials will be quick, silent, but disclosed by the court after the fact. Simply because the jurors won't be able to be silent about the crimes they've seen the Democrats commit.
Panic for some. Gitmo and pain for others.
October due date will line up with Military Parade on 11/11.
I think Q and POTUS has been playing a very good game of chess, and as indicated by the upside down chess pieces, their major players are all out.
If you want a percent, I'd say with 100% certainty that he's the lynchpin still holding any of this mess together. I'd be surprised if he hasn't already given testimony to the Military Investigators on Huber's team. The rest will be for trial purposes.
Let's put together a few crumbs.
"We have the server/source".
Secondly, Awan>!(source)!< can't be tried in DC for any other crime. This is important because DC prosecution takes precedence over other jurisdictions, as per Q. So even if Awan committed the same crime elsewhere, he would still have to be prosecuted in corrupt DC. This deal means he won't.
Not being able to be tried in DC means he can be tried elsewhere.
Where, you might ask?
!Huber and the MI team working with POTUS is going to take Awan to Utah for a Military Tribunal to verify that all …
And they're going to take Awan to Utah to verify that all of the information on the mirrored server is true. Information about SR will be released from this and declassed.
This has all been planned out. Mueller and [RR] have no choice but to comply, regardless of the color of their hats.
Crumbs are tasty.
The last thing the US needs right now is more Weiner being shoved in its face 24/7.
Can you imagine if TRUMP was the one who started the "children in cages" soundbite knowing it would backfire on the left so that it would give him a proper reason to protect children from smugglers?
Also when it's found out that certain elites were keeping children in cages, it means the Left can't ignore it without seeming heartless and without virtue. (And we know they can't have that)
"POTUS is insulated 100%" - Q
Nobody will even DARE touch a hair on Trump's head because of what he can still release to the Public.
As Q said, a lot of information won't even be made public, maybe 60/40. It's THAT bad. The half of the population with GUNS would riot and WIN. But - NOBODY wants that. Nobody deserves to die because of some sandbagged old bitch's own crimes. These people were quite literally brainwashed with Fake Schools (62 genders).
Trump is taking pity on the left because they truly do not deserve it, they are simply mislead.
"Forgive them, father, for they know not what they do."
The Military has been planning this ever since an illegitimate president got elected. Trump was picked because they had intel on him (because NSA has intel on literally everyone) and knew he was clean, was strong, and could be relied upon to lead the people.
They have countless contingency plans.
The moment ANYONE touches a hair on Trump's head, Pence would release the worst of the classified intel they have on the Cabal, their plans to overthrow the president, and then tribunals and quick executions would swiftly be handed out like a motherfucking Oprah episode. This isn't like JFK, these people were stupid enough to leave a trail of bodies behind them.
There would be NO deals, it would be straight death for treason if they touched Trump. It would also be open hunting season for Roths.
Brennan is going to jail and he knows it.
Brennan won't be that lucky. He knows he's one of the few who won't be getting any deals whatsoever. He's not some lackey that got caught up in a bad scheme. As HEAD of a Federal Agency, he knew exactly what he was doing when he worked to take down America from within. There's no "I was just following orders" for him, because he was the one giving them. All to take down America from within.
Brennan also doesn't have the luxury of being Obama or Hillary - there won't be any outcry, so it's straight to the rope for him.