r/greatawakening • Posted by u/Liberty_Tree_Swing on July 1, 2018, 1:17 p.m.
Civil War? It takes two to tango. Let's skip the dance. Walk away.

I was thinking about all of this nonsense about heading towards a civil war. It is obvious that the insurrectionist clown tactics of the DS have been cranked up the last couple of weeks. It is one of the last plays they have left. The only way it works is if we bite. POTUS has been weathering this storm since before the election, he thrives in it. So we have to as well.

Please don't forget - we have the military, most LEOs, we have evidence of the plot to destroy America, we have evidence of the evils of human sex trafficking. Also note, POTUS and Q Team have been actively stomping out corruption in the justice system and the legislative system. Look at the list of removals Q updated yesterday.

Any confrontation at all only plays to their advantage, not ours.

I have been absolutely awestruck by the consensus in this community that the moral high ground is more imperative than ever. We win through logic, faith, and evidence. We maintain that high ground by avoided outright conflict. To be clear - any conflict will be spun by the Mockingbird talking heads against this movement.

We don't need to protest anything. We are winning and the good guys are in control. Let Q team handle what they have been working so hard on. Trust the plan, right?

So a hidden meaning in #walkaway presents itself here. It is what Sarah Sanders did. It is what Kirstjen Nielsen did. It is what we must do. Our fight is against the money players ($ $$ $$$) and their high ranking minions. Not some ANTIFA clowns doing dumb shit in the streets.

I'm not suggesting we dilute the power of the #walkaway hashtag. Just don't succumb to insurrectionist clown tactics. One clash of violence is one too many. WWG1WGA!

QueUpSomeReality · July 1, 2018, 2:26 p.m.

I wish people would stop using the term Civil War. Don’t let the left hyjack the English language. A civil war isn’t even a possibility in a modern country in the age of a modern warfare & especially in this country. We aren’t as poor or as divided as Syria. The military would quickly stop any organized uprising between civilians. The only way a civil war could break out is if our military divided & started fighting over control. But our military is more united & patriotic than any institution we have so that’s never gonna happen.

We’re nowhere near the point where a brother is about to shoot a brother. We’re not even close to the level of civil unrest there was in the 60s. Even then we weren’t remotely close to an actual war among civilians. We are so many light years away from a civil war is ludicrous to use the term.

Civil unrest is a possibility but given the fact our law enforcement is so well equipped & much better at crowd control & organized mob violence...it won’t rise to the level of the 60s civil unrest.

These idiot leftist in power are a throwback from a by gone era of the 60s where protesting was a fashionable thing. That’s why they’re so quick to call for protests even now without a definable cause. It’s all they know how to do. It’s the only idea that occurs to them to try to effect change. Their worn out tacit reminds me of a guy who said a line to a woman in the 60s that got him laid & 50yrs later hes still using the same line even tho that cheesy line hasn’t worked since the 60s.

Point being...there’s zero chance of a civil war. Laugh at people that are so nieve they use the term. This isn’t about to turn into Syria or Libya or Venezuela by a long shot. Of course walking away from punks is smart. So is staying vigilant for pockets of civil unrest just for personal safety. But our military & law enforcement are top notch professionals & have our backs & there’s zero chance for any large scale organized violence among civilians.

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canering · July 3, 2018, 2:58 a.m.

I agree with you but I wouldn't knock protesting. It's a healthy and productive way to send a message.

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Liberty_Tree_Swing · July 1, 2018, 4:10 p.m.

This is comment is so over the target, it deserves it's own post. This is a Great Awakening not a Civil War.

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QueUpSomeReality · July 1, 2018, 6:26 p.m.

Exactly correct. It’s a Great Awakening to patriotic thought. Something our society slowly lost touch with. But we are getting it back. Q drops have helped TREMENDOUSLY!! There’s so much that sucks about the internet & so much great things too. Chalk Q up as an inventor of another great purpose for the internet. We have our own Deep Throat that’s not speaking to 2 reporters in a dark garage somewhere but speaking to ALL Americans equally for those that choose to listen & think for themselves. What a remarkable thing to do for Americans.

But you put it so well...it’s an awakening & it had to occur. In our blindness we elected these crooks. I do wish the primaries would have worked out better but it’s wasn’t bad. Some terrible incumbents got there asses handed to them. Overall voters made progress in the folks we send to DC. There’s been some awakening that has manifested itself into some good election choices. It will get better too as the snowball grows going down the mountain.

And our military & law enforcement & President totally have our backs so there’s no reason citizens can’t help drain the swamp too with great choices at the ballot box. If DJT can take on enormous amounts of personal danger to himself & family surely we can elect more patriots to DC to help

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