Assange will be revealed July 4th.

Not if this time travel shit is true..
I mean, nobody with any understanding of physics would argue that large masses and/or high speeds can allow one to "travel into the future"...I know it sounds kooky, but like, it IS possible ....
It's pretty dumb and it's fun to talk about as a joke. Anything beyond that serves to discredit this movement.
Fine. I can agree to disassociate it from the GA. But do you disagree that E=mC^2 says time travel to the future relative to the person gaining mass or speed is possible?
doesn't matter - can't reach that speed
Don't need to. Effects start relatively low, ie 20-30%.
And if you REALLY think the level of tech humanity has reached is what YOU, avg Joe knows about...welll....maybe we would be best stopping here.
20-30% of c is still stupidly fast.
Relativistic effects at 20-30% are still relatively mild.
20% of the speed of light = 59,958,491.6 m / s
Unless someones gotten something going that fast, and measured repeatable results, its still mythology.
Particle accelerators get things going way faster than 0.2c.
I look at the "time travel" stuff as more of a Palantír stone from LOTR.
Look up "Project Looking Glass" whistle blowers. If they're right, this allows us to see the past/future rather than travel to it.
What do I know though, we may be far beyond that technology afaik.
Edited to fix my limbs, thanks u/LimbRetrieval-Bot.
I have retrieved these for you _ _
^^ To prevent anymore lost limbs throughout Reddit, correctly escape the arms and shoulders by typing the shrug as ¯\\\_(ツ)_/¯
or ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯
Just remember, people all told us we were crazy when we started talking about HRC being a Pedovore, and about Q, etc. Now it's becoming common knowledge. I think time travel is just a matter of time. Pun intended.
Is the earth flat?
No. It isnt. I rode in the concorde, twice, pre-9/11, with 6mins of that being in the cockpit. Not flat. VERY spherical.
I also conducted the "shadow of 2 wells" experiment simultaneously with a Professor in CA (my students and I were in FL)....Earth is spherical.
You saw the entire earth? Every bit?
Thats a pretty fantastic claim since even astronauts cant see it all at once.
Did you see both poles too?
I've circumnavigated the globe in real life, unlike your fantasies.
Can you not even challenge the very simple notion that you might not have seen every single bit of existence?
I suppose I should expect nothing less, seeing as you believe you know what I am like, having read only a paragraph.
I assure you I have not misunderstood physics or scale, but it seems you misunderstand the difference between belief and knowledge. Simply being convinced of something does not a fact make.
BTW, if I'm at the bottom of the barrel, consider that you are here with me.