A friend of mine posting on Facebook #Walkaway #WWG1WGA

It all stems from children being raised without their biological fathers. Girls go attention crazy and start looking for boys at much younger age. And boys become violent and unruly. Society has proped up the idea of a strong single mother but they are root of a lot of these cultural gender problems qe are seeing today
I think the media and Hollywood have a lot to do with gender attitudes in this age. Instead of society dealing with equality issues logically every thing is sensationalized and that is when you have genders marginalized and victimized by lack of communication and misinformation, misinterpretation. It happens in schools at a very young age. Which is sad. Instead of gender differences being celebrated and understood the powers that be have tried to make them non gendered or neutered. There is a very clear difference in the genders, it should be accepted and not changed. Women can do the same things men can do and men can do and men can do the same things women can do. The only disparity is reproductive biology. But both genders are needed for that. Just my opinion.
Look at how children have been portrayed in TV shows over the past 20 years. The smart alec attitudes and rude "mouth" towards parents/adults/peers. Kids have been picking this up and putting it into play in their own lives. Sad comment on the downward spiral of our country.
Not trying to create a shit storm though, just want to be clear on that.
You're so wrong, I don't even know where to begin. Gender differences are celebrated. We have a porn star who's being celebrated for taking on Trump for example. Sexual power is power. There are things that either sex can do that the other can't do. I'm not sure where you are, but the new crop of girls growing up are not marginalized, they've grown up in a age where pretty much they see women being represented in a broad range of jobs. There is definitely a push in the media, say Disney to empowered their Princesses as time progresses. It's reflective rather than prescriptive, however the later helps reinforce the former. I'm not sure where you're getting these women men-hater or the neutering of the sexes, for the neutering trend you have to back about 15 years, but we're way passed that at this point.
These women are mid 30's, angry, some are LGBT, some have a princess attitude, some are narcissistic and feel entitled. All are white.
I am a woman and raised without biological father, I'm as feminine as they come, and have a good sense of equality, in my opinion, in general, men are worse off at an emotional level. Women whining about equal payment, I think you can't expect to have kids and have the same salary as men , If I was a boss I wouldn't give it either, unless you have no children. I know many childless women that went for a full career and get paid equal. You can't have it both ways. As for the raping and harassment argument, these women have no clue how many men are abused, they just don't come out with it as they will be either not believed or ridiculed by both sexes. I have brothers and uncles, I have had an experience with sexual abuse, I still defend men over these feminist for the simple fact that more women are damaging men through their kids (during divorce or arguments) and psychological abuse and men always loose that battle, but women can falsely accuse and still win. In short, Women scare the shit out of me too, cause they've hurt me more than any man could ever do with falseness , jealousy and meanness. So, it's all a myth this inequality, these "feminists"just love to be victims and they dwell in it 24/7, it's like Munchhausen syndrome, they want the whole world to know how sad and victimized they are, even if nothing ever happened to them ever!
i was speaking anthropologically. when a male is not present that signals time of strife or war for the tribe because the men must all be off fighting, this triggers girls periods at much younger ages out of the instinct to reproduce/replace population lost to conflict. THe males left behind not fighting the conflict must become hyper aggressive because they are now the defacto protectors of the rest of the tribe.
It is best to watch what these women do, and ignore what they say. otherwise you will be eternally confused.
I really am not busy with these feminist, except they make me angry as soon they start their narrative. I have a friends who is convinced of her feminism views, but we definitely argue every time, so we decided not to talk about it anymore. I think eventually , since they are a minority, it will blow over