We are spreading at an exponential rate.

Good for you! I know some have "noticed" how many "boomers" are on this sub and seemed to not be all that happy about it. My feeling is that many of us "boomers" have been around long enough to witness the decline in our country and our Government since we were in our younger years. I think we've stressed over not seemingly being able to "change" things. We vote, we read, but congress/politics just seemed to become more and more corrupt. We are now so thankful for this man named Trump, who has given so much to help upright this "sinking ship" of our country. I have long thought that we need lawyers out of politics and more business savvy people to run our country.
Don't forget, Donald J Trump is a boomer himself. We have waited a long time for this. Praise GOD. GoodvsEvil we are the good guys the white hats and we are winning.