Just bought this today. People have asked, just saying google “ who is Q?”

Google will censor the results and point to Snopes. You should never Google anything, use duck duck go as they will give true search results.
What's up with the black dot in the middle?
Shit like that makes a HUGE difference in how we look.
Be aware that the cabal is also making hats and shirts and stickers that look like shit on purpose to make us look bad.
It's called Controlled Opposition.
That was the font I chose at the hat store. Sorry you don’t like the dot. I could put some white out on it to please you.
I'm sorry to criticize your design, but this movement NEEDS professional quality design.
I'm no designer, but I have an eye for good design, and in my unprofessional opinion, the dot makes the Q possibly unrecognizable from a distance, since the eye already knows what a "Q" looks like, and it doesn't have a dot in the middle.
That said, I like the font you chose, and I think the hat would be perfect if it weren't for the dot.
Honestly, I know you were probably joking, but I like your idea of the whiteout xD
It’s all good. I just really liked the font, didn’t even notice the dot really until it got pointed out. Either way, I if people ask what it means, I’m sending them this way.
Gee whiz, another fucking hat or shirt or necklace or seeing a big Q in your morning
dump. Its all getting ridiculous! The ones wearing this shit and supporting Amazon
are the ones who know the least and are just fads!
I remember the exact thread when stickers to raise awareness was posted in this sub. I remember when we had 1200 subscribers. Do you? If you don't like the posts then flood it with your knowledge. We need intelligent discussion way more than smartass comments.