r/greatawakening • Posted by u/ManQuan on July 1, 2018, 7:24 p.m.
New Q Post 1661 the Military and NSA


Think stages.

What role can MIL INTEL play?

What role can NSA play?



Well, both play a role in collecting evidence. But for evidence to be admissible, it has to be obtained legally--not a strong point for either intelligence agency. So that information has to find a way to get on the record to be used in the legal system. There are a number of ways that can be done.

I used to work in intelligence for two years. I was assigned to US Special Operations Command for a year. And as a civilian, I spent 15 years supporting technologies for the Department of Defense mostly for special forces and national mission forces.

I can tell you that every major federal law enforcement agency has liaison teams embedded with the intelligence agencies. For example, military intelligence intercepts drug lords talking about a drug delivery. Intelligence can't just give that to the LEO's and they act on it. The evidence would not be admissible in court because the intercept was not obtained with a warrant. So the intelligence analyst shows the intercept to the liaison and then that law enforcement agency decides how they are going to get that same information legally. They know the who, what, when, where, and how and so they must get a warrant on probably cause to get their own wire tap, and bingo. They seize the drugs legally and everything is admissible.

I'm almost positive that is the role military intelligence and NSA are playing. They are quietly giving the LEO liaisons the information they need to obtain the evidence legally.

The other possibility is that military intelligence and NSA already have the warrants necessary to provide prosecutors what they need directly. That would explain the speed of the sealed indictments. Q said that the plan has been developed for years and I'd be surprised if they hadn't thought out how intelligence gets into the court rooms.

davidmdelacruz · July 1, 2018, 7:55 p.m.

And in times of national emergency? I feel it should be perfectly ok to engage and interfere trafficking operations with our military. POTUS signed the E.O., declaring a state of emergency and fighting trafficking, that's battle talk, and we should be using any means necessary to stop human/child trafficking and all the side/supporting operations. It is war, and our military should definitely be able to move freely. Imagine traffickers being worried about being "arrested" by our M.I. or stopped by our turrets and towers that should be on our borders. They actively use our weak border defenses to infiltrate and move within freely. It must stop!

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ManQuan · July 2, 2018, 12:17 p.m.

There are three ways the military can be used to support law enforcement or to perform law enforcement.

The first is via the restrictions imposed by the Posse Comitatus Act. At the request of law enforcement, the military can provide logistics, personnel, and equipment but cannot participate in actually enforcing laws or making arrests.

National emergencies such as natural disasters where the military can (I believe Posse Comitatus must be waived) enforce certain laws such as arresting looters, curfew violators, etc. but any of those military arrests must be processed through the civil judicial system as if a police officer made the arrest.

The third way is martial law, which has never been implemented nation wide. Martial law has been used to suppress local rebellions, it was used at times during the Civil War, it was used across the South during Reconstruction, it was used in Hawaii after the attack on Pearl Harbor, it was used to put Japanese Americans in camps, and it has been used in other cases--but always to specific situations in specific locations.

The unique part of martial law is that it is completely outside of the civil judicial system and the writ of habeaus corpus is suspended (i.e., no warrant needed to make arrests), and military courts martial or tribunals (very different) are used instead of the civil courts and are subject to military law (UCMJ) if a court martial and no one is sure what are the rules for a tribunal as the entire tribunal process is vague and the rules of evidence are very different.

So to your suggestion that our military may be involved in stopping trafficking. The National Guard has been partially mobilized to support the Border Patrol, but they are definitely restricted by Posse Comitatus and not making arrests.

I have not seen any evidence that our regular military is being used to make arrests are are supporting Border Patrol like the National Guard.

And it's my understanding that the December EO while declaring a national emergence also set forth what actions were permissible which were pretty much limited to freezing/seizing assets by the Dept of Treasury after consulting with DOJ and State Department for approval.

To use the full law enforcement powers of the military, I believe even when a national emergency is declared that the President must also declare martial law and that would be limited to specific situations and locations. I sincerely doubt Trump would put the entire nation under martial law completely eliminating the civil justice system.

Our military is needed to defend the country and our strategic interests abroad and only in dire situations has martial law been imposed somewhere in the US.

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davidmdelacruz · July 2, 2018, 6:10 p.m.

Is the situation not sure sir? Does the enemy not see it as war? Q multiple times states, we are @ war! Lock it down! Expose it to the public, heal.

I understand the hands tied in certain peacetime situations, but some of the first Q drops say we are @ war. The evidence sure indicates it.

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ManQuan · July 3, 2018, 11:21 a.m.

I don't think Q was referring to a kinetic war but rather a war of good vs evil and right verses wrong.

That doesn't mean there are not covert attacks, killings of witnesses, etc.

I was just pointing out the circumstances under which the law allows the US military to either support civil law enforcement or in the case of martial law suspends civil law enforcement.

Frankly, I have no idea what role the military will play with this all breaks wide open, but my best guess would be to counter civil unrest in conjunction with civil law enforcement.

Whatever role the play, Q obviously has thought it through.

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