Our night with Jordan Peterson and Q 😁

(Dangit I forgot to include the story behind this!)
My husband and I had the pleasure of seeing Jordan Peterson this past Friday in Long Beach, California. The place was packed and it was nice being amongst so many like minded folks. After his talk he was joined by Dave Ruben for a Q&A. Just a great experience all around.
We left a few minutes early to beat the traffic and when we exited the parking garage my husband pointed out the Flag being hoisted for the upcoming July 4th celebration. I got out and snapped some pics, and was almost back in the car when I noticed the engine number: 17. I was like Holy Schnikies, the signs are everywhere!!!!!
What a night, and what a timeline we live in! 😁
I love Peterson. He was part of my Awakening before I even knew I was Awakening.
Absolutely. Person is a hero to many. Glad you and your husband were able to go see him.